Our last night in the USA

We all slept well last night. Because of the new microwave there is no room for the girl’s crate in the bedroom so for now they are sleeping with us. Once we get settled on the Isla they will be back to their crate at night. Hope the next few nights do not become a habit.

A truly wonderful morning.

The sun was on the dash so the girls both moved down to the bed between us.

The plan is for then to travel this way. They are both so very relaxed,

Great driving day today, only 78 miles.  We left Picacho at 12:20 noon and were totaly set up by 2:10PM. We are at DeAnza RV Resort in Amado and only 28 miles north of the Mexican border. Many stay for the winter but for us it is a place to dump our grey and black tanks and to fill the water tank. We have no idea what the road ahead holds for us so we are prepared. Colin did the outside things today while I set up the inside. Plus I switched out USD fo MXN as well as maps, etc. I even put money aside in an envelope for diesel fuel and another envelope for the tolls. I have all the paperwork ready for the Mexican authorities including pens and small change for the copy machine if needed. My clothes are all ready or the morning.

Today was the second day in a row that I found this maraca on the floor of the bedroom. It has been shaken out of its travel spot twice now. I think that there is message being sent to me or us. What do you think?

I only need to finish this post and then we can eat and get to bed early. There is a good chance that I will see a sunrise tomorrow.

The girls really enjoyed Picacho Peak and cried when we left. They seemed happy there and here as well.  The girls got two walks this morning and three here before their dinner. They were tired and bored in Las Vegas. So next year a maximum of two weeks in Vegas. We love the RV park and it is a great place to stock up ( wine included ) and get RV parts and twenty  😆  deliveries from Amazon.

Such a relaxing vista. However I know that the Isla is calling us.


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10 thoughts on “Our last night in the USA

  1. Jim and Barb says:

    Good luck tomorrow, I hope your border crossing goes smoothly!

  2. Deb says:

    Good luck, safe travels.

  3. Cindy says:

    Safe travels!

  4. SandyM says:

    What a beautiful place to RV camp for a few days – peaceful looking for sure. Sending Traveling Mercies to you as you cross into Mexico and for the miles you will drive today. You and Colin plan so all should go well.

  5. Catheline says:

    Love the topper on the blog today, a burst of summer.
    The photo of the babies with the huge cactus brought me back to our travels to Mexico, just lovely. They sure do look relaxed laying side by side, so sweet.
    hoping you have no trouble crossing the border, you are so organized I’m sure nothing can go wrong.

    love reading your blog,

  6. By the time I am writing this you will have crossed into Mexico already. Wishing you safe travels. As to the maraca shaker’s message, I think it means that it is time to get going to your favourite vacation place for the winter. Looking forward to your report once you get there.

  7. Linda Sand says:

    I wondered about the “long” stay in Las Vegas. Now it makes sense. Amazon!!!

    I’m sure you are home on the Isla by now. I hope this last bit went well.

    1. Amazon was a part of it but honestly we just needed to rest up before tackling Mexico. We had a different six weeks before we left.

  8. Colleen says:

    Happy trails!!!

    1. I can hear you strumming that as well as singing it.

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