The twins turn two


It was difficult enough getting photos with the sunglasses never mind adding sombreros to the situation. They certainly look older and wiser.

Thank you for your comments and emails re the current drug cartel situation. We are very safe and we certainly enjoyed a quiet beach day yesterday – no banda 🙄

As I mentioned in my post yesterday you all have much more information of what is happening than we do. The airport opened at 10AM today and shortly thereafter the Culiacan/Mazatlan highway did as well. We have been able to piece together that the reason for shutting down the airports by the drug cartel was to prevent Chapo from being flown out by by the military. The Mexican forces had anticipated this and had him flown out on a helicopter. He is believed to be in Mexico City. As of noon today the burned out vehicles blocking the Isla entrance and the road to the airport were still sitting along the road. The cartel has given the Mexican government 72 hours to free El Chapo’s son or face the consequences. It should be an interesting few days. Very difficult fo us to get current news online, so If you gave any breaking news send me a comment or an email.

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6 thoughts on “The twins turn two

  1. Cindy says:

    Happy birthday to the girls! Love the pictures of them!

    1. Gracias. They have changed so munch in the past year.

  2. Lucy says:

    Adorable girls wearing sunglasses! 🌺 May not be news to you, but it may help:

    1. All is back to normal here in Mazatlan.

  3. Judith says:

    The first photo is a major achievement!!! And very funny.
    I don’t know how to get current news, but this site, which may or may not be reliable, could occasionally be of use. Or it may be worthless. I don’t know. A friend who lives in SMA sent it to me a long time ago.

    1. I have seen this link before. Gracias.

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