Real TIME Update

We arrived home a week ago today, last Tuesday, April 30th. No problems at the Canadian Border. I actually had prepared a blog post Sunday the 29th and was to publish it on the 30th but I was extremely tired. I will get back to it.

We arrived home about 1PM on the 30th. Together we carried load after load into house. I have done 19 laundry loads in this past week.

We are freezing cold here and swing both the furnace and the fireplace at times throughout each day. The girls certainly knew where they were. They chased each in our yard for almost a full 10 minutes. The were happy to be back. I think they would be happy to be wherever we are.

I had braced myself for coming into the house. I was a bit sad but realized that selling the house was the way to a new future and adventure for us.

Wednesday we listed our home for sale.

When I had a few spare moments here and there I began a pile of things to sell at the garage sale. We had so many things. I had to keep borrowing tables – in the end we had seven tables. Somehow no photos were taken. Special tanks to Cindy, Dianne and Kelly for their help.

Friday Colin moved the RV back to storage and I spent the day pricing items. Two of my friends told me that I had to be prepared to let things go at much lower prices. The first few times I was speechless and in shock to see some of my special things go for peanuts so to speak. In was a success. We made just over $1000.00 at the sale and I have since sold $500.00 of larger items on Marketplace. It’s not over I still have hundreds of items to sell.

I have been going to bed as early as 9PM. We are both exhausted. doing so much in such a short period to time. I stood from 7:30AM last Saturday until about 2PM. I could barely walk. The next morning I had trouble walking but I have lubricated the old joints and I am once again on the go.

Sunday I started listing the larger items on Marketplace. Within half an hour I was inundated with emails from people wanting to buy what I had listed. I was on the computer most of the day.

Early Monday morning it was time for my annual vein treatment. Just over 40 jabs. I do the left leg next Monday. After that I will have to get my treatments done in Mazatlan. I believe that that will be an adventure 🙁

Monday early afternoon, our realtor came by for a detailed tour. Tuesday ( today the 7th ) we had our first showing at 11AM. We spent the rest of Monday and Tuesday morning cleaning. We were trying to declutter the house. So Colin got my car from storage and we stuffed the Lexus with “stuff”.

The people loved our home but of course have to make decisions re our home and their future. Que sera sera 😉

I finally had time this afternoon to finish up the Marketplace stuff. The rush is over until we list more items and we still have a lots to sell.

Tomorrow I have no choice but to start our taxes. Both personal and the company year end. We also have to decide if we are no longer working through CJPS INC. Of course Colin has some jobs lined up. Big decisions to be made.

Both Thursday and Friday we have appointments for half the day.

As you can see I have had no option but to juggling many things right now.

Thanks for sticking with me and your many emails and comments asking me ‘que pasa’. Of course I will go back and catch up. But right now I can only deal with each day as it happens.

Either last night or the night before.


Sorry no time to check for any errors in this post.


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12 thoughts on “Real TIME Update

  1. Deb says:

    I was happy to see a post. Busy will be the only way to describe every minute of your lives for a while. Remember to take a break now and then to just sit, breathe and enjoy. Your future awaits but it’s now that memories are made to take with you into that future.
    Stay safe, sane and well. Good luck friends!

  2. Gail Kelly Florence says:

    Good to read an update.
    I agree garage sales are exhausting mentally and physically.
    I’m glad things are moving along and hope you get some offers on your home soon.

  3. Jannose says:

    Always lots to do when one sells their home. It is amazing how much we accumulate over the years. I am sure everything will go smoothly and all your hard work will pay off. You will be able to relax when all this is behind you.

  4. Janet ASHWORTH says:

    Both of you are doing an amazing job, hang in there, it will all sort itself out!

  5. I feel sad you are leaving and I have never even meant you or been there! But it is a new adventure! Glad all went well in yr return

  6. Sandie Dixon says:

    Brings back many memories when we sold our place to go full time. I had two garage sales and vowed never again. So exhausting. You just get what you need to do done. We’ll wait to get an update from you when you can.

  7. Linda Sand says:

    We hired people to do an estate sale when we sold our last house to go full-time. I was disappointed in how little money we made but it sure was nice to have someone else do all the work. If we ever have to move from our apartment to the care center, I think we’ll just let our daughter and other family come get everything for free since we no longer have high quality stuff.

    One couple I read about advertised their sale date only to friends and family. They didn’t price anything–just put a donation box by the front door. It was up to buyers to negotiate who got what. The owners did not watch. It was relatively painless and I think they got more money by not pricing things.

  8. Lucy. says:

    Contessa, thanks for the update; mama mia… U guys are surely super busy with so many things ( changes ) going on in your life !!
    Glad things are rolling, eh ? Bet U amigos aren’t in need for sleeping pills these nights 😁

  9. Maxx Trails says:

    Big changes for you guys! But just look forward to the end result, a new life in Mexico 🙂

  10. Nancy Beglaw says:

    Exciting times!! Good luck on your sale.

  11. SandyM says:

    Oh my, exciting times for you and Colin; it is a lot of work to get through but you will do it as that is how you are made. Wishing you both well.

  12. Wow, you guys have been busy. I take it that by selling everything off you are planning on only staying in your RV in Mexico? We have twice sold off ALL our belongings when we went fulltime cruising on our yachts, so I know what it is like.
    Hope all goes well.

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