Jun 21, 2010
Operation ‘Smelly’!!
The RV tech was to arrive no later than 8:30AM. After Colin called three times, explained that he had to go to work and we were heading West tomorrow we finally saw the tech about 10:30AM. He confirmed the toilet leak…!!!!..said he couldn’t do anything till they found a seal and hoped it would happen today. Then he took a look at our water heater…it only works on propane. The element needed to be replaced. It had a hole in it from corrosion. Well now we can use electricity again to heat our water. Now if only we can get the shower to mix the hot & cold water I would be perfectly happy. Right now a shower consists of a blast of cold water followed by a blast of hot water and so on.
A miracle, the parts were here by 1:15PM. It is a process as we need to (actually me cuz Colin is working) wipe up all the extra liquid that drains as the toilet is lifted. Then I had to disinfect the open rim area before the seal was properly placed. Then for the 4th time, disinfect the top & sides of the tank as well as the basement compartment. We have filed an insurance claim just in case we do have to have the basement taken apart. Black mold is our biggest concern. We will check in with Voyageur RV when we get home. 30 minutes later we are still leaking!! I call the tech back…meanwhile I am soaking up liquid, flushing & checking for liquid etc….Oh no…we are still dripping. So Paddy my tech buddy comes back and on consult with me we decide to re caulk another area…..I really do think that I am ready for my RV TECH certificate!! So far so good.
Alberta is not B.C. and certainly not Mexico. It is simply different. You can’t get an aerial pilot, you can’t get wifi in most places, you can’t get propane easily, you can’t find a store where you need it but there is a liquor store on every second street corner, it is still light out at 11PM and then the birds start at 4AM..so no one sleeps, it is freezing outside (13C) and people are out mowing their lawns topless and when it gets to 20C everyone turns on their A/C. Gosh at that point we start to take off our jackets….it is cold here. I won’t even discuss the mosquitoes. The one good thing is that there is a huge field next to the dog walk here at the RV Park full of gophers. The dogs love it and run and run and run…Caeli l0oks like she has lost a pound.
We hope that when we awake tomorrow all will be well.
OMG…tornado warning….funnel clouds……
..we have to go home…asap………
Our mission here is complete, Dad turned 80 and is happy with his July 5th hip appointment, Colin got all his jobs completed, the RV was almost overhauled so now it is time to head out West towards the Okanagan. We are really looking forward to a safe no frills voyage. Keep your fingers crossed.
OMG..Colin says that I am now on “intake” restriction!!!!
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I’m guessing the phrase “Shit happens” wouldn’t be apropriate so I won’t say it.
How’s “operation smelly” coming along?
Hope all is now repaired in the bathroom toilet! Nothing worse to deal with especially in the basement. I guess lots of chlorine.