Jan 15, 2011
Donde esta el fuel!!
Here on the Isla there is no fuel, no Pemex, which is the Mexican state-owned petro company. Most Rvers have 4 X 4’S and use the beach to bypass the 13 km horrid pot holed gravel road before reaching a paved road enroute to civilization. Fuel at the end of the beach is not too far at all. Don’t get me wrong, we actually love this isolation, it keeps the bad guys away!! However those of us unable to drive the beach are stuck here on the isla or are forced to drive the dreaded road to refuel. Colin and I have somehow managed to empty our fuel tank by going exactly nowhere! Mucho driving to well… nowhere!!! Suddenly we realized we had an empty fuel tank. We just might have enough fuel to get to a Pemex but again we might not!!! As we are driving down the road here on the Isla we spot Danny!! We come to a screeching stop! What do we do? No worries, tomorrow I will come to your casa. Bueno!
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gotta love Mexico, the small villages an simple life.
It doesn’t get any better.