Oct 23, 2011

The finals….

…yes we are in the very very finals!!!!

The final dental appointments, the final medical appointment, the final massage, the final bank deposit, the final pennies in the bank account and the final vet appointment, the final car and RV prep, the final Christmas card written, etc, etc.

...even the final tomatoes ripening on the sill....

What else?  Oh yes, the final grass cutting, the final job and invoice….well you get the idea.

However it won’t be final till we are packed.  Plan is to keep working all weekend and move into the RV for Monday night with a Tuesday departure.

Forgot to mention, we had a ‘final showing’ on Tuesday with 10 minutes notice….maybe this is it!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Getting too busy for showings now, but then this is when our place might sell!!!  The people who came knew we are leaving next Tuesday…..

Caeli says " could you stop with the to do list and give me final meal of today"!

Hey Ma...we're starving here!

My Dad has always told me that my list will never be done.  He told me that on the day I die I will still have  a to do list…..so “hey kiddo just stop and enjoy!!”

You know what Dad, I am almost ready to take your advice…love you!

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6 responses so far

6 Responses to “The finals….”

  1. Elaine says:

    feed the dogs, drink some wine…go to the dentist drink some wine…pack the MH drink some wine..you get my drift….now maybe that ‘showing’ will be a final for you also..heres hoping..!!!!!

  2. Yes yes, stop and smell the roses, take you time and enjoy……

  3. Susie says:

    It’s all worth it once your on the road, it was 105 in Ariz./Nevada area so I did some shopping in air cond. stores after catching up on laundry while Roger was golfing.. Outside in morning but too hot in afternoon… Cheer,s Susie

  4. Connie in PA says:

    Your mention of your dad’s comments on your making lists brought a smile to my face today. My dad always made comments about me always having lists, too. Thanks for reminding me of the good times – I miss him so!!! Love the pics you post in your blog! Happy packing!!!!

  5. Marty says:

    Vaya con Dios, mi amiga! We had a great time-will update my blog with some pics. Didn’t get to connect with Larry, he had the flu and we had a 13-person logistical task! But hopefully, after I am cleared to travel we will be down there with fewer people in late winter so we can see all of you.

    Our dogs ran away from the boarder, but they found them. Have to pick them up today-got my own list to tick off, plus the doc never called with my test results. You guys drive carefully and I will check in every day to see how your trip is going.


  6. We too have to do a list other wise we might have our “senior moments” and forget.
    As many other that plan a head we like to prepare ourselves before hitting the road so every winter when we are at home we do all the medicals as we land to give us time to treat anything needed to be treated or as I say ” we change oil,filters,air preasure and go on”- That’s LIFE.

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