Sep 06, 2012

It finally happened

The night before the move we were totally done in.  About 5 PM Colin went under the house to vacuum and discovered a huge mess, the trades had been using that area as a garbage dump.  Enough said but it took 4 hours to clean up and 2 truck loads to the garbage.

I literally could not move another inch so just sat there and tried to relax. Got back to the RV about 9PM for another late dinner. Sadly we had run out of wine so we only fumes that night.

Caeli had had enough and put herself to bed.

Moving morning came fast and the movers were late, giving yet more time to tweak things at the house.  Friends Pat & Gord were a huge help and support.  We started at 9:30AM and went till 8PM, it is certainly getting dark earlier.

The plan was to move our furniture that was still in our old place into the new one. The movers were quick to tell us that our furniture was awkward and heavy!! Lots of tall Ikea bedroom armoires and heavy rosewood furniture.

Next they emptied out the 2 storage sheds we were renting here at Holiday Park. Lots of small pieces we had thrown in there making it a difficult transfer from truck and back to the house. Finally they used some boxes they had in their truck to hurry things along.

The girls did their best to guard the front door, they did handle the move well and seem to realize this will be home. Of course we did have some dings and dents in the wall and door frames, to be expected but repairable.

Part 3 of the move was moving all the boxes from under our old house, which was full, and carting them across the road. This shows about 20% of the boxes. The movers would not go under the house so Colin & Gord had to crawl under and push the boxes out. Some were for inside, dishes, books, clothes, etc. but many were for under the new house. It seemed overwhelming even to the movers. We asked if they would stay another hour and help Colin put the stuff under the new house, move the sauna and rebuild it and carry the wardrobe boxes inside.

They were a huge help and were well paid and tipped appropriately.  I finally had to leave about 6 PM, Colin stayed till dark and everything was put inside….somewhere, somehow!  Sadly we were still on fumes wine wise!  I just went to bed, no dinner, nothing!  Earlier, about 2PM we had a visit from the gas inspector who wanted us to show home around, etc.  I told him it was moving day and we did not have time but to please do it himself, he was nosey and poking everywhere.  I told him if he wanted to move the dryer to see in behind he would have to do it himself and if he created any damage he would have to repair himself!  Finally he left and said we had passed!! About 3PM we had our woodman come to finish the beams.  Another trade wanted to come in but I drew the line.

Yesterday I worked a bit in the kitchen then we got some great news.  The sink was in!!!  Adriatic Granite came and put it in and did their finishing touches.  Colin says it looks awesome.  Mr. Woodman was there till dark last night.  I did not go back to the house after noonish but stayed on bed rest in the RV with wine!!!  Things are looking great, lots of work ahead but no pressures or deadlines other than a few more trades.  Once they finish up I will be so relieved.  I have many more photos but this is enough for now.  We survived and are moving ahead.  Colin's busy season has started and he is doing a 12 hour photo shoot today.  I might just take it easy.  If I have any energy I might unpack a box or two.

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7 responses so far

7 Responses to “It finally happened”

  1. That nice that all the moving is done. Hope you unpack faster than my sister, she still hassome boxes not yet unpacked after their move 6 years ago!

    • contessa says:

      George…..I am not pushing the unpacking but it won’t take 6 years, make 10 months!

      Ken & Margot…..this is what I had always visualized that the two of you would do with your place on the lake. We miss having you here, especiall right now. I know you would love being a part of it all.

      Longdog…..time will tell. I hope to at least be able to sit out and look at the lake and leave the mess behind me.

      Marty… do we. I really haven’t even thought of a D day yet, most unusual for this time of year for us.

      Catheline…thanks, I am pushing, believe me!! If you get to the Isla you might just find me dosing for weeks on end.

      Elaine….wine is stocked up big time……never ever plan to run out again!

  2. Ken&Margot says:

    Terrific view of a pair of feet backed up by a great view of some lake or other! Seriously, that window view is terrific, know it well but this is from another angle. Love the windows. KenB

  3. longdog2 says:

    It won’t be long until you are settled in.

  4. Marty says:

    Time to leave for Mazatlan is sneaking up on you-hope you get a chance to chill a bit before that all happens!

  5. Catheline says:

    It looks over welming but oh so worth it!!!

    Look at your new house, its you and Collins dreams coming true.

    Push on girl, push on.

  6. Elaine NB Canada says:

    Hang in there girlfriend and for heavens sake get that wine stock replenished…..looking good…and I’m glad to see your ‘feet’ off the floor for a change !!!!