Oct 02, 2012


Bit by bit, day by day, hour by hour we are very slowly getting it done.  Well at least done to the point we are happy with, before heading to Mexico for the winter.  Over the past few weeks there have been times where I began to doubt we would head south but I am more optimistic.  On the other hand I am far from ready and honestly don't have the energy to get ready so we very well may just leave without all my normal pre purchases and organization.  Certainly not my style to just wing it but it is a possibility.  It is a bit more difficult for us as we don't eat meat or chicken and I like to bring a variety of foods we can eat.

The girls are tired of all the comings and goings, they need a vacation also.  Caeli has adjusted perfectly and has found new little areas to hang out in. Carmeh is very unsettled and nervous.  She requires us to hold her a good deal of the time as the various loud noises like air guns frighten her.

Carmeh cowering from the step building.

Caeli just lies anywhere she can find a soft place. This pile is now spread on the floor waiting the gas fitters to complete the fireplace install. They are late!!

We have been very fortunate with the weather and getting our home constructed.  Last night we had our first wind storm.

Battening down the hatches yesterday afternoon!! Things were flying. Hopefully todays forecast winds of 30 to 50 km/h won't stop the fireplace install. They have to cut a hole in the roof and do a lot of things up there.

After today we will have another 10 days of sun but much cooler daytime temps, highs of 18C and lows of -1C!!  Perfect to try out the new fireplace, I hope.  We got the windows cleaned yesterday and our view is even better:).  The painting is complete with only 2 areas of wrong color painted on top of the correct color.  I will fix it myself!  Done with that guy!!

Carmeh on a previous sunny day with no trades in the house. Relaxo!

Caeli is getting fat just sleeping. She needs her beach walks. We all do!

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2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Progress”

  1. Hop in the coach and go you should be able to purchase food along the way.