Part 1 ? Yesterday was so wild that it has to be told in two segments.
Colin is down the far end of the beach with the girls and I am about to leave to meet them halfway when….
...I see all of this commotion out front. I was in the shower so missed the close parts.
Our neighbour Bob had been sitting outside watching a school of yellow finned fish out in the bay when he noticed a local group of fishermen jump into their barca and quickly drop a net. Shortly thereafter the net was being pulled in.
Hundreds of pounds of fish caught in moments. Thanks for the loan of these 2 photos Bob.
Rick and Linda were beach front also, thanks for the photo Linda.
Meanwhile a truck comes up and loads up all the fish. I continue down the beach to meet Colin and the girls.
The same barca and fellows are out again looking for the school of fish. Another panga passes them, even a low flying helicopter comes in to help spot the school of fish.
We continue our walk and turn back home where….
...a group of tourists are getting ready for their Isla adventure on wheels. Yes the weather has improved.
Back at the RV we find they are now giving tours of the RV Park 😉
Wow it is only noon, what next. Us neighbours have a group discussion and decide we should follow the fish. What, follow the fish?
So we drove down to the Isla mercado de pescado.
We found the vey fish caught right in front of us just an hour ago. They were already being transported to the mercardo in Centro in Mazatlan.
What happened next on the wild Wednesday? Well you will just have to pop back later in the day as I have to go into town…….
Tags: friends, Isla de la Piedra, Mazatlan, Mexico, Stone Island, Tres Amigos RV Park
Awesome catch Roger has some pictures posted as well, very tasty he says.
Fun to watch the fishermen!