Jul 17, 2013

One way to make a living

Colin flew from 8:00 AM to 5:00PM on Monday.  Two planes at different times due to lighting conditions and a helicopter at midday for 3.5 hours.  Colin took close to two thousand shots.  He said it was the clearest sky he has seen in the Vancouver area for years and years.  He was lucky.  When we lived in Vancouver it was much easier to judge the weather on our own and coordinate everything but it all came together for Monday despite living in Kelowna.  Tuesday was a bonus full day job that just happened to come up while he was in the area.

This was one of the key shots he took. He took many angles of course. You have likely seen his past shots on billboards, magazines and other advertising material the Port of Vancouver puts out.

This angle has always been one of my favorites showing the downtown core and the breadth of Stanley Park.

Colin does love his job and so does the pilot Who flies in a helicopter from 6ooo feet to 100 feet and gets paid to do it.

They were coming in from Richmond when the Vancouver Tower asked them to drop down to 100 feet over the water.  So they skimmed over the water, throughRichmond, along past the airport, along the University of B.C. and over to English Bay.  That was a thrill as passenger jets were taking off over them.

UBC with the nude beach on the right.

We lived and worked in the Vancouver area for years and yet the City of Vancouver, The Port of Vancouver and the GVRD ( General Vancouver Regional District ) and Associated Engineering call colin back to do their work.

Colin got back about 10:30PM last night and we were as happy to see him as he was to see us and to be home.

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11 responses so far

11 Responses to “One way to make a living”

  1. Jean says:

    The photos just blew us away, Colin is such a wonderful photographer, no wonder they keep calling him back . Why would they use anyone else.

    • contessa says:

      Jean…why indeed plus they pay well.

      Kelly…Al….if you are in the neighborhood you will just have to go up flying with Colin.

      Kevin…I understand your frustration but I have no idea how to do what you are suggesting. Not sure if Word Press has this feature plus I have no time nor inclination to check it out as I would then have to pay someone to install it. We are not that computer literate. FYI, these shots are just from the RAW’s and have yet to be photoshopped and tweaked. You can imagine how many hours ( days and days ) Colin spends at his desk doing this. We are happy to send you and anyone else a JPG of something you like. Another reason we do keep photos small are the copywrite issues.

      Connie…thanks, now we can only hope the client agrees with you. Sometimes they don’t and then they don’t pay.

      Janet….funny you said that. Colin said to me yesterday how much he missed living in Vancouver and what a great city it was. But of course he is also happy here.

  2. Kelly says:

    ‘WOW’ what a bonus job that is……AL:))

  3. Nice, but I wish you could put the pictures on your blog using a larger format. I like to be able to click on the pics to get the full size version that takes up my whole screen. 🙂


  4. Connie in DE says:

    AWESOME photos!

  5. Janet Ashworth says:

    Beautiful! Almost makes you want to live there!

  6. Janet Ashworth says:

    Nothing is better than living in Vancouver! Having lived there for a very long time, well, it is the bomb! But the traffic and large population, well it does not work anymore! It is and for now now is one of most beautiful places! Even retired, problematic! But wonderful, we should all be soooo lucky !!,

  7. Looks like a wonderful fun job and we do know Colin loves it.

  8. Elaine says:

    Awesome shots…our photographer so who lives in Gibsons will be drooling over these:)

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