Oct 04, 2013

Heading North ??

I know, I know, I’m supposed to be heading South.

Instead I am taking a plane today and heading North to Edmonton ( where snow flakes actually fell out of the sky this morning ) to see my Dad.  I know I was there just over a month ago but there are still things that need to be done since my Mom passed this past July.  Plus I want to spend some time with my Dad before we do head South for almost 6 months.  My trip is going to start with a grade 12 mini class reunion later today.  We are meeting at a good friend’s home for wine, appies, food and good times.  There should be 7 or 8 of us.  I know it will be a great trip down memory lane.  I’ll let you know.

Last time I went to Edmonton Colin did the Tommie Award photos of our home interiors.  He knew he could deconstruct the house and put it together for his creative eye with no flack from me.  But I did catch one thing when I got home.

This is how our bookcase looked when I left. it was crammed full of everything that came out of boxes when we unpacked this past April.

Colin took most things out and created this look for the photos.

He actually took out 5 boxes of books.  So when I came home I had a mess to contend with.  He had hidden everything in the sauna so I didn’t catch it right away.

Decisions had to be made. Books and I had to separate. So I took a huge pile to the RV to re read over the winter and then give away and donated another very large pile to the library here at Holiday Park.

So this is how the bookcase looks today. Much less crowded and more pleasing to the eye.

I wonder what I will come home to in few days.  I just know that something will be changed.



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5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Heading North ??”

  1. One time I came home from Rochester NY visiting my parents and Al had bought a car !!

  2. Sandie says:

    When my Dad retired he decided to rearrange my Mom’s kitchen. I think that’s the only time I ever heard my Mom yell. Needless to say, it all went back the way it was.

  3. Marty says:

    Stan just hauls stuff out and leaves it. Then later I have to deal with it.

  4. Enjoy your time up north with the reunion and your Dad. And be surprised when you return home to your re arranged house, with a fresh new look.

  5. Elaine says:

    lol Rick came home from a business trip a few years back and I had bought a house!!!! Good luck hope your dad is improving..

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