Jun 24, 2014

So sorry but….

…I am unable to do a post tonight.  My eye is really sore and I need a break from the computer.

Yesterday was a fab day with a high of 32C, we even had to turn on the A/C.  Today it rained until 6PM, so cold this morning that we considered turning on the fireplace, but didn’t.

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7 responses so far

7 Responses to “So sorry but….”

  1. Take a rest no deadlines for blogging.

  2. Bob says:

    The weather most everywhere has been “interesting”. Rest up. Like George says, there are no deadlines.

  3. Lynda says:

    So agree with George & Suzie! Blogging has no deadlines and should be as our whim, interest, mood, etc, dictates. You do a marvelous job of being current and keeping it interesting!!

  4. Suzanne says:

    I want to ask how your eye is feeling, but then you would have to use it to respond, and I think it needs a rest! So instead I am just letting you know that I am sending good thoughts your way!

  5. susie says:

    Hello, hoping by now everything is OK with your eye!! Take Care!!

  6. Teri says:

    Hope your eye is getting better. Take care.

  7. Connie in DE says:

    Thinking of you tonight, Contessa, and hoping you are feeling at least just alittle bit better.
    (((HUGS))) from Delaware

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