Nov 27, 2014


It is bedtime but finally we have communication with the world.  The border was a massive pain ( special post coming ).  Got to Moses Lake eventually in the dark.  As per previous discussion we were by passing Walmart ( which looked empty by the way despite the holiday ) and heading to Home Depot which we somehow missed.  As we got out of the town we realized we should turn back.  At that intersection we came across Lowes which was closed and empty so we stopped there.  I have no idea if this is ok for RVers but here we be.  Somehow we had no internet nor any of our passwords which I think I left at home.  Still waiting for a response from a friend with our key to check if they are still on  my desk at home.  Turns out that our ATT hotspot needed several hours to charge before becoming active.  That just happened 5 minutes ago as I was heading to bed……what a day.  The border was insane and we got lost coming here.  Then Colin broke his most important guitar nail pushing in a fuse that the tech had shut off re the generator  service, because we had no electric even with the generator running.  Plus  2 or 3 other things that I can’t remember at this late hour of the night.  Just a typical first day I guess but if the passwords can’t be found we will stop and drive back in the car.  Yes we know, we should have had them backed up elsewhere.  Totally my fault but it you need to know anything about my Dad’s affairs I have all of the info at my finger tips.

So then I go to have my shower and halfway thru I get ice cold water.  Looks like by accident the heater was turned off.  Poor Colin is last and is still waiting for hot water.  So far at 10PM it is only 46F.  We have a mild night but the next two will be very different.  I have photos to share but we are so tired that this post whill have to suffice.


Only 276 miles later. It took from 9:45AM until 1:05PM to cross the borer, waste of time.

Who said that heading south would be without a few glitches. However you really do have to come back to hear the border crossing fiasco.

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6 responses so far

6 Responses to “We are OK but EL CRAPOLLA”

  1. That was a very long day, hope they get better for you.

  2. Catheline says:

    Jim and I stay at Lowes all the way down from Ontario. They also have free Wi-Fi for an hour which is perfect for email catch up’s.

    Keep warm, Mexico is just a few day’s away!!

  3. Rae says:

    Oy! Glad you made it across!

    Sounds like besides the border and the passwords, it was all a bunch of cruise shakedown issues that should smooth themselves out. I hope your neighbour finds those passwords for you.

    Warm weather is coming!

  4. Teresa Wood says:

    What a pain!! We stay at both Home Depot and Lowe’s – both have unlimited wifi. We have never found – probably we have stayed at almost 100 of them – just wifi for an hour.

  5. longdog2 says:

    Hoping the rest of your trip will go so much smoother. Too bad you didn’t know about the Wifi at Lowe’s.

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