Apr 25, 2015


Just finished our personal taxes, my Dad’s taxes and completed the paperwork on our year end.  Phew, I have dents in my fingers.  I do it all the old fashioned way with a pen and paper.  We even managed a telephone conference with our accountant today.  Yes a Saturday, he is working day and night until May 1st.  Once again he has already saved us a ton of money and that is before he sees the company records.  He has a way of weaving and creating figures that make us look good.

I ran out of desk space so covered the dinning room table with a flanellete sheet to do final synopsis.

I ran out of desk space so covered the dining room table with a flannelette sheet to work on the final synopsis.  I have to say that I balanced the entire year within $90.00.  I have been spot on most years but this is close enough for me considering the year I have had.

It has been nasty cold out there with a wicked wind.  7C is not much of a high especially compared to the temps of 24 – 26 C last week.  So far the rain seems to fall only at night.

The girls only agenda is to stay warm.

The girls only agenda is to stay warm.  They want to go out but when I open the door and they get that blast of cold air they run right back inside to snuggle in the warmth.  By the way if any of you know where to get floor pillows similar to these please let me know.  These need to be replaced and the girls don’t like anything I have come up with to date.

Colin is on a mission.  He decided that today was the perfect day to rearrange the shed.

Colin is on a mission. He decided that today was the perfect day to rearrange the shed.

Colin finally walked the girls while I finished everything up.  The envelope with our cheques to the Revenue Canada is ready to go as is the larger pile of paperwork to send to the accountant via Fed Ex on Monday.  Dad would be happy to know that he gets a large refund 😆  I managed to take half an hour off and head out to get the insurance on my BMW.  We are now back to being a two car family.

Finally he takes a break to crack his back.  Starting Monday Afternoon I have no idea when I well

Finally he takes a break to crack his back. Starting Monday afternoon I have no idea when I will see him.  The jobs are coming in which is amazing since we are gone half the year.


These are waiting to be recharged from El Sol.  Maybe tomorrow.

It has been a busy week and now at 5:40PM I am saying adios and cracking open a large bottle of vino blanco.  Last night Colin did a Tempura/Salmon Teriyaki take out for dinner as I was just going non stop at my desk.  He is also going full tilt but I guess he has tons more energy than I do.  That dinner by the way was very good and we will do it again sometime.  Tonight I plan to make us a homemade pizza for dinner and just enjoy the fact that the pressure is off.  Now I can just go day to day and deal with what needs to be accomplished but with no stress. Major for me.

Have to admit that I managed to drink a glass of vino on edit of the post.  The weight is off my shoulders.  Always so difficult the first 1 -2 weeks when we get back.  This is our life, Colin has no plans to retire until he is at least 90  🙄


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12 responses so far

12 Responses to “Done..Done…DONE!!”

  1. Rae says:

    Perhaps things will be a little slower once you don’t need to deal with your crazy family. Wait. Did I type that out loud?

    I need to find an account like yours. 🙂

  2. At least you are making progress and can slow down a bit now.
    Have fun.

  3. Glad all that paperwork is behind you. Now you can sit back and relax.


  4. Colleen says:

    Whew! Deep breath, now you can relax and enjoy being home.

  5. Sandy says:

    That $90.00 is a transposition of $100.00 s/b $10.00 or the other way whichever the case may be – so easy to do and can be difficult to find. Pretty awesome!

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