Jun 19, 2015

We have a Frankenstein tree

A few days ago I mentioned that we had come home to a tree with a split branch due to a wind storm.

A few days ago I mentioned that we had come home to a tree with a split branch due to a wind storm.

Colin and my lawn guy emailed back and forth and cam up with a plan which they put into effect yesterday.  It did take both of them to execute the operation.

Colin and my lawn guy emailed back and forth and came up with a plan which they put into effect yesterday. It did take both of them to execute the operation.

It was precision surgery.  Clamps, drills and bolts.  It totally reminded me of my hip replacement.

It was precision surgery. Clamps, drills and bolts. It totally reminded me of my hip replacement.

I was a mere observer but I did feel the tree's pain.

I was a mere observer but I did feel the tree’s pain.

Our lawn guy, whose close up I am not allowed to use, decided that as head surgeon the branch needed a second bolt.

Our lawn guy, whose close up I am not allowed to use, decided that as head surgeon the branch needed a second bolt.  It really was quite the break.  We also removed a few branches to alleviate the weight on the wound.  I really truly did feel the pain of the surgery.  Just too sensitive for my own good.

Breaking news…….Copper River Salmon is baccckkk 😆  I even talked my lawn guy into buying some.  Hope he didn’t overcook it.  Finally we can dine in style and what better night to celebrate but the very day that our Frankenstein tree was created.  I mean how many of you have a Frankenstein tree :mrgreen:

Be still my beating heart, not to mention my salivating mouth.

Be still my beating heart, not to mention my salivating mouth.

Mere seconds after Colin brought evertyhing in from the grill the sky opened....

Mere seconds after Colin brought everything in from the grill the sky opened….the rain and the winds were ferocious.

Dinner was divine and every morsel was to die for.  Thank you Colin :)

Dinner was divine and every morsel was to die for. Thank you Colin 🙂

Meanwhile the poor tree was being battered from one direction then the other.  the wind went on all night and all day today.  but it seems just fine now that the winds have abatted.

Meanwhile the poor tree was being battered from one direction then the other. The wind went on all night and all day today. But it seems just fine now that the winds have abated.  A successful operation.



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20 responses so far

20 Responses to “We have a Frankenstein tree”

  1. Walter says:

    We didn’t over cook the Copper River Salmon and it was delicious! It was a tough day in the operating room….so well deserved!

  2. Sharon says:

    How did your Vet appointment go? Been hoping for good news. Hope also your tree repair takes hold.

    • Contessa says:

      Hola Sharon, we also hope the tree repair holds. Obviously you have noticed my lack of posts for a few days. I am not quite ready to talk about the vet appointment. Maybe tomorrow.

  3. Sandie says:

    Hopefully the operation is a success and the tree has a long and healthy life. Scooter and Skitz send kisses.

  4. Contessa says:

    Gracias Sandie. My doxies send kisses back to yours 🙂

  5. Nicw work on the tree. We are still finishing up our frozen wild BC salmon from Costco. Looking forward to some fresh pieces soon though.

    • Contessa says:

      Rod, please go buy some of the Copper River Salmon, it is only around for 6 – 8 weeks per year. Likely we will indulge twice per week till it runs out. I haven’t ever frozen it….would rather just eat it fresh.

  6. Peter says:

    What a creative tree repair job! And dinner looks scrummy!

  7. Contessa says:

    Peter, dinner was beyond scrummy 🙂 It certainly was an innovative tree repair.

  8. What a great idea…bolt up the break..wonder if it will produce rust coloured leaves….LOL just kidding

    • Contessa says:

      Hey Leslie, now there’s a thought 🙂 This is a big experiment, sure hope it works. When we bought and planted the tree is was shorter than Colin, so it behoves us to have this experiment be successful.

  9. Nice that the operation was successful. Dinner looks yummy too.

  10. Steve says:

    Now there is an idea for tree repair I have never thought of, as I usually just trim or cut away the damage. I hope you keep us posted in the future how that “operation” turns out. The picture of your salmon made my mouth water. That is one of the big things I miss living in the Midwest after living 10 years on Whidbey Island Wa … fresh salmon.

    Your windy rain looked a lot like our weather yesterday, here in “the tropics” of Southern Indiana.

    • Contessa says:

      I will keep you posted Steve as this tree means a lot to us. It must be very difficult to not have that fresh fish after being spoiled living in Washington. That particular salmon was mouth watering. I’m almost tempted to drive into town this afternoon to buy another piece for tomorrow. We won’t eat frozen fish other than BBQ tuna loin. It just doesn’t have the same flavor.

      We have been having an extraordinary amount of wind lately but not always accompanied by rain.

  11. Sandy says:

    Big YUM to the dinner picture and truly love the tree repair – I am not in favor of cutting a tree if you can save it – but that is just me.

    • Contessa says:

      I guess we never ever thought of not trying to save the tree. Over the years we have spent a lot of money on trees. Once we even brought a very tall one in from Vancouver on a semi and then had to hire a crane to move it onto the lot. Love that tree and fortunately it is directly behind out house here on the lake so I get to see it everyday. Dinner was definitely yummy.

  12. chris says:

    I remember that mouth-watering treat! It seems like it was yesterday. I bet it was delicious!

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