Oct 20, 2015

Que Pasa

First off we are busy with a capital B.  We have made 40% of our annual business income in the last 4 weeks 🙄 Still trying to get it all finished up.  Every year is different and for a variety of reasons, but I have to say I am worn out.

Every now and then I am able to carve out a few moments to get my to do lists going for our departure.  Here I was working on special recipes and making sure that I had a list to buy specific ingredients that I can't find in Mazatlan.

Every now and then I am able to carve out a few moments to get my to do lists going for our departure. Here I was working on special recipes and making sure that I had a list to buy specific ingredients that I can’t find in Mazatlan.

So glad the election is behind us.  Enough said.  The other day Colin picked up another tube of peanut butter flavored dog toothpaste.  He is in charge of teeth, we each have specific duties with the girls.  But I was shocked when I saw the Visa receipt.  $17.46 for 2.5 oz tube, way way overpriced.  Today was vet day for the girls.  They got their annual check up, shots, anal glands expressed and I picked up some extra medication that we might need on the Isla, just in case.  If something happens to Carmeh I want to be sure I can medicate her ‘right now’ so she does not suffer.  We also did bloodwork on Caeli as she is so very laid back that there was a question of a thyroid problem.  We also had the International Travel paper work completed.  The bill was just under $700.00 😯

A month or so ago I ordered two kits to make paw prints as a final momento.

A month or so ago I ordered two kits to make paw prints as a final momento.  Can’t remember which one this was for but I did put their name on it as well.  We have these for each of our other two who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

:ast Saturday was a perfect fall day and Colin spent several hours raking leaves, power washing the Weber to take to Mexico, cleam

Last Saturday was a perfect fall day and Colin spent several hours raking leaves, power washing the Weber to take to Mexico, cleaning up all our flower pots as well as storing our patio furniture for the winter.  I was inside chained to my desk when I would have loved to be outside.

Good choice of day as it rained on the Sunday.  Today the sun shone again and that is the forecast for the next week.  Only two weeks before D Day so I’m really hoping that the rain will stay away while we start loading the RV.

Caeli can't get enough heat from the sun.

Caeli can’t get enough heat from the sun.

Each day that the sun shines there are one or two water skiers out on the lake.

Each day that the sun shines there are one or two water skiers out on the lake.

We almost ran out of propane on Sunday.  We were down to 5% of our 300 liter propane tank.  They company we use usually checks every week and automatically fills us up.  The thing is we were filled last on September 2nd and that is a lot of propane to go through and I suspect that the fellow just assumed that we would be good for a while.  However we do use our propane fireplace a lot and we used the entire tank up.  They did an emergency fill first thing yesterday morning.  Then our landline telephone suddenly stopped working  late yesterday morning.  Thank goodness a repair tech came by this morning and sourced the problem.  You have no idea how much you rely on a phone until you don’t have one.

Someone was having a lovely paddle on a perfect fall day.

Someone was having a lovely paddle on a perfect fall day.  Those colors are as Nature painted them.  Quite the brightly colored kayak.

7:45PM Tuesday evening and time to start dinner…….



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15 responses so far

15 Responses to “Que Pasa”

  1. Dolores tanner says:

    Could you share where u get those kits for the foot prints? Did you make it yourself? what a good idea!! Love the picture of the guy in the kayak with the fall trees!!!

  2. Yep! Fantastic last pic…your paperwork spread over the bench reminded me of sorting invoices every month in preparation for accounts….before computer input….must be getting closer to your departure date???

  3. Yep! Fantastic last pic…your paperwork spread over the bench reminded me of sorting invoices every month in preparation for accounts….before computer input….must be getting closer to your departure date???…lesalp.blogspot.com.au

  4. Soon you be on the road to the sunny south.

  5. Wow, we do almost all our business in about six months of the year, 3 in spring and 3 in fall but I cannot imagine doing most of it in one month. You definitely deserve your winter holiday.

  6. Not long now! Hope the weather holds out until after you leave. I love the photo of the trees and the person in the kayak. The water looks so calm and the colours are beautiful.


  7. Cat says:

    I’m confused too. 😉 What IS leftover wine?

    Love the pic of Caeli soaking up the sun and the reflections of the trees in your last picture are gorgeous.

  8. chris says:

    Time to pack up and head out. 🙂

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