Oct 24, 2017
Someone seriously needs your help and it won’t cost you a penny
There is someone I have come to know via social media who lives in Virginia and is struggling to feed her family each and every day. Every penny makes a difference to this person’s basic existence.
Many of you shop on Amazon.com and most especially at this time of year, before the holidays. I have a friend who is trying to help this family by donating her Amazon purchase commissions to them to buy food. She has set up a referral link that only requires that you click on it before making your Amazon selections and purchases. By using this link you are able to help this person buy food and it costs you not a penny more than your regular purchase would. Why not click here first and help someone out?
Many of you have seen such links on many other blogs. People use their blogs to promote their link and I know of two who personally bring in close to a thousand dollars each per month. This helps to pay for their travel lifestyle.
This person needs to feed her family and struggles day to day. All you need to do to change someone’s life is to click this Amazon link before you start to shop. Yes there are many out there who need help and we all give when and how we can but why not try to make a difference in this one person’s life without spending a penny of your money.
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Thanks Contessa. We will keep this in mind. We are planning on doing a Amazon shop for Christmas. It always feels good to help someone else.
Looking forward to your upcoming trip, since we are stuck working for one more year!!
Thank you. I understand that every penny truly does make a difference to this family.