Dec 02, 2018
The iguana is back
I can’t honestly say if it is the same one as last year but it is back 😥
Can you read the blog? The font appears very small to me. No worries, I have called in the expert.
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Dec 02, 2018
I can’t honestly say if it is the same one as last year but it is back 😥
Can you read the blog? The font appears very small to me. No worries, I have called in the expert.
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The iguanas were here first 🙂
Those guys love their veggies as we saw in Roatan amazing critters. You font looks fine to me.
Thanks for the font update. I just found out that it was something on my end and I have been able to correct the problem.
Maybe you should put your dog/iguana fence up?! We have a family of iguanas next to us but since I dont garden here they are no problem. I give them fruit and veggie scraps as the habitat around us is disappearing.
Hmm I wonder if the dog fence just might work except that we just gave it all away. Colin says that thwy would simply climb up the fencing. I don’t want to feed them as I don’t want to have them hanging around here.
You are feeding them…just not willingly! Sorry about the beautiful blooms.
So true….
You have iguanas, we have deer, they’ll your entire garden given the chance.
While your expert is there, maybe he/she can find out why I must type in my name and email addy everytime I comment. This does not happen on other blogs…
The beach looks wonderful. Happy days…
I think deer might be easier to catch than iguanas. Yes the beach is wonderful, that never ever changes.
As to the signing in vs other blog sites, I am told that it is possibly due to my Word Press installation being so old ( early 2010 ) and that possibly browsers are refusing to save the contact information due to security reasons. That means that I will have to come up with a new theme and look and spend a bundle to update. Can you please just hang in there for at least another year. Love your comments Peter. FYI there are a few blog sites that I also have to fill in all the blanks so to speak in order to comment.
Yes can read..
Beautiful flower… And sunset!!
Thank Dolores. Always nice to hear from you.
Aww poor hibiscus! We have a rabbit problem but I was able to find a spray and they have stopped eating my plants. And the font was fine on your blog.
Lucky you that you were able to find something to stop the rabbits from eating your plants.
Here it is mice and rats, there it is iguanas 🙂
We also have mice and rats here. Our girls were great mousers and we miss that.