Feb 28, 2020

Real time update

This past Tuesday, Octavio my physiotherapist, made a major change in my exercise program.  He says I need to do this for the next three weeks and then I should be good to go.  However the new exercises are difficult.  Difficult to the point that I need only do them twice per day.  One of them is tear inducing 😥  But here I am, a few days later and sort of being able to get most of them done.  I am up to 20 minutes twice per day for a beach walk.

Today Octavio said that I might soon be up to 25 minutes per walk, twice daily.  I have to admit that I am rather worn out when I get back from that 20 minute walk and need to rest.  So it seems that every few days I am in a new routine and then it changes somewhat. Bottom line is that I need to push to get my exercises and walks done so that my knee  will strengthen so that I can walk as much as I like.

Today ( Friday the 28th ) we got some bad news.  We had been waiting all day for Erik to let us know that the generator was repaired and ready to install tomorrow.  He never called but showed up about 3:30PM and told us that the final repair worked once but then died yet again.  The outside of the starter motor shaft was repaired but now it is the inside that is not working.  He now believes that we need a new starter motor.  The company that makes the after market part for our generator has nothing but bad reviews.

So Colin and I got on both computers and used our phone to make umpteen calls.  However it was late in the day and the east side of the US was closed for the weekend.  I kept at it and found a used part on eBay made by the original manufacturer.  The price was only $95.00USD but shipping and importing the part into Mexico will be a small fortune.  We have spent hours on this tonight and hope to seal a deal tomorrow.  No idea re the cost. We seriously are not able to purchase a new generator at this time ( due to funds already committed to a major trip this fall ), perhaps next year or the year after. We are still positive that we will get this issue fixed but we are leaving on March 17th and that does not give us much time.

The RV park had a huge bonfire/weiner roast tonight.  We were late to the party because of the generator issue, but we did get there. Veggie wieners taste even better over an open flame.  We also were able to finally sit down and catch up with Chris and Roger, first longtime blog readers and now longtime friends.

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6 responses so far

6 Responses to “Real time update”

  1. Dee Tillotson says:

    Contessa, a few weeks ago, Chris indicated either on his blog or RV. net about a new Freight Liner Company which has opened for business somewhat near where he lives. If you could e-mail him, he may be able to get a phone number for you to call to determine if Freight Liner has the part you need for the generator. Since shipment would be INTRA-Mexico, cost of shipment may not be bad.

    P.S. He had spoken about house sitting again in San Miguel, so not sure he is still home, but he should get your e-mail if he carries his computer with him.

    • contessa says:

      Thank you Dee. The part is rather unique and is no longer produced so it is more a questions of finding an after market replica that is of good quality. Plus it is a Generac generator part, nothing to do with Freightliner.

  2. Glad to read that your knee is slowly improving.
    That is the only problem with traveling outside of Canada and the US. Hope your generator is fixed soon.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your time on the Isla.

    It’s about time.

    • contessa says:

      Nice to hear from you. We are still hoping that we will have a generator wth we leave here. It is beginning to look like global travel is going to be affected for everyone due to the coronavirus.

  3. Wow, that is not good news on your generator. I hope you will soon be able to do long walks again. Healing is a slow process

    • contessa says:

      Healing is slow but Octavio believes that if I am constant in the next few weeks that I should be good before we leave here.

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