May 06, 2021

Que Pasa

Great news in that we completed our company year end today. Best of all we only owe $253.29. It was an intense day including a lengthy meeting with our accountant as we are working towards shutting down our company.  That won’t happened for five years but we need to start planning the tax implications now.  By planning ahead we will be able to save $50,000.00.  So worth the time expended this past week. Of course we could shut it down tomorrow but why give up that 50K?

I can’t believe that the pups turned 4 months just this past Monday. When does one stop counting weeks and switch to months? Carlie has such a soulful look in her eyes.

We enjoyed a few perfect weather days but mostly we have have had cool temps and clouds. Not a normal spring. We finally stopped having frost overnight just this past Monday. I never wrote the date down but it likely was April 25th that we planted our parsnips, part of our carrots, beets, spinach and kale. A few days later we planted our peas, much more that last year. All but the parsnips have sprouted. When it warms up a bit more we will add cucumber, zucchini, green beans, Swiss chard and more peas and carrots a few weeks later so that we a fresh crop every few weeks.

Ciela has a very long tongue.

Once the danger of frost was over, we finally planted our tomatoes yesterday, both in our patio pots and in the garden. We had about seven tiny tomatoes growing in the pots on the dining table. The entire plant was turning yellowish so we were happy to get them outside.  I have no garden photos nor of the tomatoes on the patio but I will soon.

The girls are becoming very proficient at digging holes in the lawn. We finally put up some mini fences to try and stop them.  It did not work as you can see here, one  of them inside and one outside.  They just went in and out and fought each other from inside or outside of the ring depending on which side they were. I have since purchased plastic fencing similar to this for the multiple holes but much tighter so they can’t get in.  So instead they are breaking off and wanting to eat the various plastic bits. In case you were not aware this breed of dog is known for digging holes, that is what they were bred for. I have to say that these two are quite the challenge, likely more intense as they are siblings. First time in twenty years we have had this problem.

Just to clarify re my last post. Rick mentioned “Nice you were able to have a reunion like that.
Lots of people use Headphones or Earbuds to avoid those problems.”   I was able to hear everyone perfectly, it was the others that could not hear me very clearly or not at all. That is why I plan to get my computer checked yet again to make sure they did fix the computer microphone. But first, when I have a moment, I need to FaceTime with friends to check the sound. It might work better than Zoom.

Last Sunday we left the girls alone so we could go to a nursery just 15 minutes away to pick a very few flowers for my patio pots. Colin recently purchased a camera that we could set up and monitor on his iPhone.  This is the third time that we have monitored them but the first time that we have left the park. They are the two dark blobs on the left close to the window.  We were gone 45 minutes and they never moved. Great way to leave them alone and to give me peace of mind. Thus far they have never cried nor whimpered when we left them.

Isn’t there an old saying out there that states the things happen in threes? We have had a third fire here at the park. First the huge fire that destroyed the store and the restaurant. Then recently the fire that destroyed the authentic boat signage to the entrance of our park. Today was the third, a smaller fire in our garbage dumpster. Click here for that information.

We planted our flowers this past Tuesday. I am so happy to see flowers along the lake.

Lots of help from the girls, in particular Ciela. These haven’t even been planted but she is already tasting them. They have grown just enough to jump up and reach into the pot.

Here Ciela is getting sprayed with water as we test out the irrigation system.

This afternoon was our first sighting of goslings.  Earlier today we had our first few geese up on our lawn snacking and pooping. Tis the season.

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6 responses so far

6 Responses to “Que Pasa”

  1. Jim and Barb says:

    Those two look like they are wandering around just looking for things to destroy! Sorry to hear about your fires and the damage. Looks like it could be a long smoky summer!

    • contessa says:

      Sad to say they are in some sort to phase that is to chew everything including us. Hope it wears off quickly.

  2. Maxx Trails says:

    I didn’t hear about that last fire but lets think positive that, since it was the third, there will be no more! Your plants look very pretty, hopefully the twins will leave them alone.

    • contessa says:

      The twins continue to enjoy the patio flowers as a treat so we now have to supervise them – even more!

  3. Nice the way the girls and the plants are growing.
    Taking the girls for walks on Pavement or letting them play on the patio will keep their nails trimmed.
    I have my Sidebar set to bring the most recent Blogs to the top of the list making it easier to now who wrote.
    Like the quotes.
    Be Safe and Enjoy Spring.

    It’s about time.

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