Feb 05, 2022

Breaking news

Ciela ( now 13 months ) had a big break through yesterday.  For a few reasons we have had to keep the girls inside during the day with the door closed more than they would like. She was bored. The twins are not interested in toys whatsoever. When they were younger they were just a wee bit. They will chew deer antlers and some but not all nylabones.

We have lots of balls and on occasion when we throw them Ciela will gather them up one by one and put them in a corner or on a dog bed. Both of them sat and watched Luna play ball with her owner during the two playdates they have had.

So the other day we were talking and Carlie was napping when we noticed Ciela pick up this ball in her mouth.

She even rolled it with her paw.

She threw it with her mouth. I was able to take some quick photos but most were blurry.

We were elated to see her playing on her own with a ball.

Twice she batted it away and it went under a chair or the stool in this case.  She even was able to retrieve those balls. She looks so happy here.

She looks so proud of herself.

A few days later Colin was sitting on the floor with the girls trying to engage them in playing with some toys. He threw the same ball and bounced it on the floor while they watched. After the 8th time Ciela figured it out and caught it in her mouth as it bounced down. Such a smart girl. Has not happened since.



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One response so far

One Response to “Breaking news”

  1. Pauline Watson says:

    Hooray!! I wish there was a hand clapping emoji 🙂

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