Oct 13, 2012

The fireplace

It came together just at the right time.  We have had a weather change.

I don't think we will ever get tired of the view out our window. Early morning mist on the lake.

The morning the gasfitter came I was out and that is a good thing.  Otherwise we would likely still not have a working fireplace.  Remember it was to be a 3 week wait for the venting parts and I found them within 2 hours of here.  There were shipped directly to the Comfort Gas….

...who did not check the parts. Instead of getting the round vent they sent a square vent!!! The hole was cut while I was out.

What to do?  It is what it is.  Had I been here, I assure you that a square hole would not have been cut.  Colin thought it would be just fine once we paint the black to match the fireplace, etc.  I was not happy about it but it was a done deal so after some gripping I finally shut up.  I think Colin was relieved that I was not home at the moment of decision.

I have to say that they did a great job and the mess was kept to a minimum. So glad that we covered everything with old sheets. Made for a quick clean up. The pipe was centred but I still haven't a final set up photo.

I have had an unusual last few days with some stress.  Hopefully things will come be coming together in a positive manner at the beginning of the week.  I intend to keep busy working in the RV most of the weekend.

Carmeh loves the fireplace. When I got up this morning I turned the flame right up and it looks just like a real fire with a lovely yellow flame.

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8 responses so far

8 Responses to “The fireplace”

  1. Susie larose says:

    Looks great, Sara loves the fireplace too, how many sq. feet is this house to accomodate what all you’ve put in it?? Love the view !!

    • contessa says:

      Susie…..we are a total of 22 feet wide by 44 feet long so only 968 sq ft but every inch designed by us and for us so it is just perfect.

      Sandy….thanks, I think once it is painted it will look better.

      Longdog….thanks, just lover the dogs cuddled under it.

      Sandie….yes it is neat, all the way from California. Same in our RV, when we pull out the tiny little heater they just cuddle right up to it.

      Connie…..thanks Connie. I think Carmeh is more settled this week and she does love the fireplace. Maybe that is what she was missing.

  2. Sandy says:

    That view is so spectacular visitors will be looking straight out not up – it was always in the plans, right, so let it be your secret. Well…..sorta. Lovely, lovely, lovely!

  3. longdog2 says:

    It looks okay. Don’t stress about it–just enjoy the fire.

  4. Sandie says:

    I wouldn’t ever notice whether it was round or square. The fireplace itself is just too neat. Our girls love it when we haul out the Blue Flame Heater. They get their little butts as close to it as possible.

  5. Connie in PA says:

    Carmeh looks so comfy in her new, cozy digs! Enjoy – it looks nice, Contessa!

  6. chris says:

    I love the fireplace. You guys have done a great job on your new place. I hope can see it someday. Always checking for ideas.