Oct 06, 2015

Lake scenes & random thoughts

Interesting mist on the lake.

Interesting mist on the lake yesterday morning.

At this time of year I feel like I am the official doorman ( doorperson 😉 ) for the girls.  It is too cold 90% of the time to leave the patio screen door open so they can use the doggie door.  My job is to be aware of which of the two doors they are sitting at in order to go out.  If it is urgent Caeli will whine.  Carmeh however just walks back and forth between the two doors until I notice that she needs to go out.  Usually Carmeh goes out first then 20 to 30 minutes later Caeli  will want out.  Needless to say being a hound Carmeh wants out to check on where Caeli has been.  In and out, in and out.  Oh to be on the Isla where they go in and out at will.  So much easier.

The sun is rising behind the camera, yet another trick of light by Mother Nature.

The sun is rising behind the camera, yet another reflective trick of light by Mother Nature.

Just now appreciated that all the lights in our home are on dimmers.  So nice to be able to control the ambiance in each area.

At the moment we are on a regime of photo shop, invoice, try to get the list ready for the trip south,  a photo shoot, more photo shop, not quite enough invoicing and repeat.  Sadly it gets dark earlier at this time of year.

The view is ever changing.

The view is ever changing.

Went for a massage today.  The Edmonton chiropractor recommended I get one a week after his treatment.  It was lovely.  She really worked on being certain that my muscles were balanced front to back and side to side.  I was also told that she thought my body was in the best shape she has seen it in 10 years and that included my skin being very healthy.  Lots of water you know.

Not certain that I want to share this with you but I don’t hold anything back so here goes 😐   Yesterday I went for my first physical in over 20 years including all those female things.  If you remember,  just a bit ago we finally found a new family doctor and she insisted on the works.  I passed the actual physical with flying colors however my blood work ( done a few weeks earlier ) should an issue.  I have just the tiniest tiniest increase in my cholesterol.  Most likely cause is stress.  Needless to say that should be rectified next year.  Why did I wait so long for a physical?  Good question.  My best answer is that with my medical background I knew my body and with the hips surgeries over the last few years I hardly had any blood left.

One of our trees is working real hard to turn red.

One of our trees is working real hard to turn red.

Thanks for all the name suggestions for the new male doxie in our home.  Colin had been so busy that we haven’t had a moment to discuss it.  I have 2 or 3 favs thanks to all of your input.  I will let you know our decision soon.  You can’t rush something as important as this 😆

Gifts from a neighbor.

Gifts from a neighbor.

I came home yesterday after my physical and some grocery shopping to the wafting odor of roses in my house.  Someone was getting their rose garden ready for the winter and knew how much I loved roses.  Oh how I miss my rose garden.  So I cut down the offerings and created a few fragrant bouquets.

That’s it for tonight.  Que tengas un buen dia,  have a good day tomorrow.



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7 responses so far

7 Responses to “Lake scenes & random thoughts”

  1. Cat says:

    Lovely pictures, and I can almost smell those roses from Kansas City. 😉

  2. Love the views of the lake. The mist and the sun do amazing things to photos.


  3. Kelly says:

    forgot to add my name suggestion: Caleb 🙂


  4. Such beautiful pictures of the lake. The roses are pretty amazing too. My rhodos are actually blooming for the second time, confused by the long summer then the rain – I think they think it is Springtime!

  5. chris says:

    Getting closer to take off! With your hip replacements if there was anything critical they would have found it. Hope you have excellent results.

  6. SandyM says:

    Charlie – that is a good name! Or it could be Charles if you are formal….

  7. Doris says:

    Yes, your are corrrect, doorperson is correct. Really enjoy your blog. You are are able to be so honest and genuine with your narrative. I really enjoy looking in on your latest escapades and hope to be able to for a long time yet. Thanks for writing. Safe trip.

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