Mar 08, 2011

This & that!

Yesterday three more RV’s headed North.  No one really wants to leave but we all have obligations at home.  This group started their engines about 6:00AM and were off.

Adios till November

It is already so quiet with you all gone...

At the final dinner at Lety's we found out that they will be bringing some lovely pastel cotton tablecloths from Michoacan to sell.

Colin is doing well in Culiacan, in fact his first day went from 7:30AM to 1:30AM.  He has taken some photos but hasn’t yet figured out to send them to me.  Some of the first day highlights included a wonderful guitar concert last night, cena ( dinner ) with all the invited performers for the entire festival and then a private guitar lesson at midnite!  A 5PM master class was cancelled because the maestro never showed up so being as he was at the University he wondered around and …..”so went to a digital photo instruction classroom and talked about my work and discuss my web site – in spanish. people very impressed. ”

Meanwhile the girls and I are just enjoying life, soaking in the sun, watching the activity on the beach and the birds.

What a joy to be able to watch orioles from my garden!

We just had a helicopter touch down on the beach….it was picking up Adan, the owner of the Maria Coral Hotel.  He works on a tuna boat and must have come in for something.  I heard yesterday that the boat will be out at least another month, the tuna are very sparse and very few tuna are being caught by anyone.  Another change due to climate???

The cruise ships are an on again, off again issue here in Mazatlan.  On March 4th it was reported that they were all  (except Disney) resuming their port stop here.  Yesterday the news reported that both Carnival & Norwegian Cruise Lines have cancelled any further visits to Mazatlan this season.  Hopefully Holland America will still dock tomorrow.

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5 responses so far

5 Responses to “This & that!”

  1. Wow getting pretty quiet there now. But at least the weather is getting better, so sad about the cruise ships. They do need the tourists there. You still have a few more weeks to enjoy your beach.

  2. Marty says:

    My daughter in law is very nervous about our whole Mazatlan trip right now. If you have any words of encouragement I would welcome them. I talked to a customer yesterday who is leaving Friday for the Mexican Riviera cruise. She joked, “See you on the beach at Mazatlan!” Well, maybe not. :o(

    Must feel pretty funny to watch half your community drive off-bittersweet.

    • contessa says:

      As you know I have been here for 4 1/2 months and will be here for another 2 weeks. Yes there are incidents of violence but no more than any where else one travels to. Where would be safer? Can you name a city that the Mom would be happy she visited that has had no violence, ever! The big difference here is that it is gang against gang…PERIOD. I have said this before. I am willing to speak with the Mom if you care to email me her tel. number I will call her today and see if I can help reassure her. Let me know what else I can do. I will call your daughter in law also if you like.

  3. Marty says:

    Contessa, you are a jewel!!!

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