Jan 18, 2012
Flowers from my garden….
…the other day I really looked at my garden, beautiful. I am beginning to think I may give up the bulk of my garden (s) at home and just enjoy here. Things grow so fast and for so little effort.
Today is going to be just another 30C day of R & R, beach walking and massages. Yeah massage day!
The heart surgeon is very pleased with her progress. Her blood pressure is stabilizing, she is able to walk with her walker on her own for a bit and she is happy. Sadly she has been bleeding from her vagina for 6 years with no known cause so yesterday an ultrasound test discovered that she still has stitches from a surgery done six years ago in that area.!!! Can you believe that? It makes me angry to think of all the tests and Dr’s she has seen for this, negligence! Overall, other than the swallowing which she can do very carefully, she is improving. Still no idea if she is going to long term care or not. Right now it is -37C plus windchill in Edmonton, glad I’m here.
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You may not be the professional photographer in your family but you would certainly qualify in anyone else’s family. Those flower shots are spectacular! So glad to hear that your mom is beginning to do better.
longdog……thank you for your kind comments.
Bob…..thanks so much. Thanks for your concern re my Mom. Strangely because we live in different provinces in Canada I have not seen my Mom for 18 months. When in Canada we work while here in Mexico we play. we will go see all the family this coming summer for certain.
Marty…good play re the massage and stress, no sense doing it for nothing. Good questions you have re the medical system. Where my parents live, when they make an appt to see the GP DR. they have to state their aliment. Once at the appt they are not allowed to discuss any other problem! Stupid.
Love the flower shots, and hadn’t really noticed the extra background ‘ambiance’.
It’s wonderful to have ageing parents around, but certainly a challenge when medical issues arise. Hopefully your Mom will fully recover.
Can you file a malpractice suit in Canada? Why do they ignore older people when they have legitimate complaints?
I have a massage scheduled for tomorrow, if it doesn’t snow too much. Don’t want to waste a massage if I have to drive home in a blizzard and get all tense again.
Pretty posie pics!