Jan 27, 2022

Bees in the palm tree

***Quick correction, the first photo in my last post was not the hotel but the apartment building. Apparently they are all two bedroom and very nice.  The hotel is closer to Chivos.

One of the palms I planted a long while back. I think it might have been three feet tall.

Note the stem coming off the palm at the bottom to the left of the trunk.

Back in November of 2018 we were getting red fruit or ?? from a stem to the right of the trunk. They were very hard.

For the first time ever, this January we saw bees on the stem coming from the palm.

On closer inspection the bees were eating from the tiniest white flowers coming out of the open green seeds or fruit.

The bees were filling their nectar sacs. Can you see the tiny white sac about 2/3’s down the right side of this bee? There is one on the left side as well. None of the bees left until their sacs were full.

How lucky for us to see this close up. A special opportunity to see nature up close. This was a first for both of us. We no longer see many bees now and are just waiting to see what happens next.  Not sure when the red fruit/seeds come into play. How fortunate we were to see the bees collecting nectar on an actual palm tree.

If you want to read just a bit about bees and their collection of pollen or nectar click here.





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6 responses so far

6 Responses to “Bees in the palm tree”

  1. Jim and Barb says:

    Very cool! Barb and I used to manage our own hives back in the day. We still talk about getting back into it one of these days. Maybe when our travel slows down.

  2. Carol says:

    really interesting never knew about the sack.
    glad to see you posting.

  3. Maxx Trails says:

    I had no clue palm trees had fruit!

  4. Pauline Watson says:

    What a fun post! The first time I saw the fruit buds on a palm was in Huatulco in a resort. I had no idea that’s what they were until now 🙂
    The bee pics are amazing! Do you know if the locals harvest honey or make mead with their bees?

    • contessa says:

      I have no idea re they honey harvest. I actually did wonder what happened to the honey from my palm. Good to know about another palm having flowers.

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