Well so it seemed except on the days that it rained. We were fortunate to have a few perfect days this past weekend and today turned out rather well, unexpectedly. The day after my last sunshine post we had torrents of rain. Things change so very quickly.
Saw these on our walk around the park today. So cheerful.
You may recall how I was having so many problems with my eye glasses since we got home from Mexico. From the lenses being scratched while replacing the nose pads to me not being able to see very well at all with the replacement lenses. I went back a few times. Finally I figured it out. The new lenses were thick, I have never ever had such thick lenses. As my main eye problem is astigmatism I am very sensitive to any distortion. I mentioned this before but this time I insisted on yet another replacement set and all is perfect. Easy to see the difference from a quick snapshot. I am so relieved as my eyes really did burn and hurt and tear up. I though that perhaps I was slowly going loco.
We have a few private groups here in the park, one is a swap and shop. Often items are put up for free as was this large storage shed. We would have loved something like this but could not afford it right now. Within five minutes of it being posted I had said that we would take it. There soon was a list of others wanting it. Colin went over and the fellow was shocked. They are moving but he was going to list it for some cash but he wife listed it for free. We gave him a few bottles of wine and he was happy and even delivered it to us. There is just enough space between the house and the fence behind Colin for it to be placed. Just next to the fence on the left is our air conditioner so the shed will be placed just past it closer to the lake.
Colin never stops crossing things off our ( well his ) very long to do list. He had the power washer out for some patio clean up and decided to give the steps a go. It worked. Not perfect but better than before.
Another irrigation issue. Early one morning Colin was looking outside and saw a gush of water. This pipe had come apart so the water was spewing everywhere. It did not break. The pipe was too short and the connection came apart. It has since been repaired.
This was taken last weekend but I love the photos we took that day. You may see more in the weeks to come.
We have not had enough heat to make the garden grow. But we do have our first tomato on the way.
Today I noticed that one person had some fat peas almost ready to eat. We only have the one white flower thus far. However we do not use fertilizer. Others who planted ready grown veggie plants from the nursery have produce to eat. They now have so much food to eat that they can’t mange it all. We were gifted a huge head of romaine. It was very good as long as we took care to remove the slugs first!
We have done a fourth, perhaps it was a fifth, planting of beans. Some are coming up. The beets and the carrots look so very sad and spindly, but we continue to have hope. Finally we have a few leaves on the zucchini. The parsnips ( not my favourite ) are doing well – dang! We have no control over Mother Nature and have to accept what grows. Sheesh, Colin just came back from the garden and informed me that the bean leaves are being eaten. The diatomaceous earth stopped the bugs from slicing through the stems but now the leaves…..
A stray left over Isla beach photo.
In case you have been wondering, we are definitely going back to the Isla this fall. How can we not?
We have been fortunate that the rains have prevented forest fires. However both the smoke and the rain prevent Colin from working. All we can do is take it one day at a time.
This is so very Carlie.
June has been busy for us and I have not many photos to record that. I find it strange that I have to already start preparing for our next trip south. At least by making reservations, but we are still not sure of departure dates, etc. Plus who knows what the next few months will bring in terms of travel, be it fuel prices, food availability, safety and the big one, the economy.
Tis the season!
You scored on that storage unit! Good to see the girls get out and run on the beach.