Jul 02, 2022

Nosey Neighbour

Last evening Ciela decided to take up residence on the top floor of the crate. Bunk beds! Ciela learned this behaviour from her sister Sequoia when she visited on the May long. She is doing it again right now!! Dang.

It was rather warm this morning but this is what they wanted to do. They truly prefer to be together.

Our resident Canadian beaver decided to swim past just a bit ago.

Less than 5 minutes after Colin took this photo ( I had no idea that he had ) I severely sliced my left thumb slicing the tomatoes for the Greek salad. Thank you for the bandaids Inger, no idea where ours are – the RV? Still sore and bleeding but I don’t need my thumb to type. But this will be a quick post.

A resident in our park arranged for a Canadian only wine draw for July 1st. Everyone was allowed one entry and those who wanted to donated a bottle. The number of winners was determined by the number of donated bottles. So happy to now be the “official nosey neighbour”. This winery is in Langley, BC.

Canada Day sunset.

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5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Nosey Neighbour”

  1. ferne says:

    Nice Post, Contessa

  2. Dee Tillotson says:

    Ha! You got me on the title to the blog. I had already started to jump to conclusions and write you a note that I like nosy neighbors. They watch my home while we are gone. Might like to taste “Nosy Neighbor” if we could get a couple of bottles at Costco or Sam’s Club. Names are being given to wines today which sound like names of horses in the Kentucky Derby!

  3. Dee Tillotson says:

    OOOOOH! I bet that hurt! No stitches?

  4. SandyM says:

    Aw, the sunset with the reflection – how nice.

  5. Maxx Trails says:

    Nice sunset picture. I hope your thumb is feeling better soon!

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