Mar 06, 2012

Not so much fun…

I miss my sweetie.

There was some fog late yesterday afternoon, giving things a damp feel.

It did make for a different sunset.


Colin is having a marvellous time in Culiacan and of course getting less than 5 hours of sleep per night.  Last night he met Iona Gandrabur, born in Romania.  Born blind she started piano at age five and switched to classical guitar at twelve.  She immigrated to Canada at sixteen, has four music degrees and speaks six languages.

Colin sent me this photo, not sure if this is a class or a performance.


Here he is kibitzing with Iona and her guide dog. He also mentioned that another great artist has given us an open invitation to come stay with him in Costa Rica whenever and for however long! I think we have an invitation to Cuba and Brazil from last year. Who knows, that may become a part of our future......


I am really happy for Colin to have this marvellous experience but I am having very little me time.  Yes Larry I did have the vino but then was up all night with the oldest Carmeh, vomiting & diarrhea.  Caeli who was doing better started again with the diarrhea.  Thankfully no blood showing for either.  So today has been a day of chicken, rice and antibiotics.  It is so hard cutting them back on food when they spend the entire day looking at me with their big brown eyes just begging for one more piece of food.

This has been our day on the Isla......very foggy. I am doing fine so don't worry about me. Actually going to try and give the girls a wee walk just now.


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8 responses so far

8 Responses to “Not so much fun…”

  1. marty says:

    Shucks! Too bad the girls are BOTH sick! I’m proud of me, walked almost two miles today. I have to keep up.what I started in Mazatlan.

    What an opportunity for Colin!

    • contessa says:

      Marty….you keep up the walking

      Colin…mille gracias!

      Angie….thanks for your comment.

      Danshula….thanks….one day at a time.

      Croft…..I’ll let colin know…you bet one day we will go visit them all.

      George….time passes too swiftly at our age.

      LOngdog…still not well but a bit better…..I think it was the crab also, maybe it was sick:(

  2. colin says:

    hola mi novia
    gracias para especial blog de contessa. poquito cansado porque mi no en mi casa con me esposa, pero, mucho interesente productiones a la festival de gutarra. mucho mas importante artistes aqui. mucho mas amigos y amigas pora mi. Guitarristes extrordinare. porquito cansado porque no mucho dormiere y mucho cervesa. dormierse approx 4 – 5 horas en la noches. muy felis. comida mucho. mi poquito gordo. es no problema.

    tengo buen dia mi amore


  3. Angie says:

    Hola Amiga,

    Glad Colin is having so much fun at the Guitarra Festival I read about it over at the Sinaloa Debate News Website. Hope the girls get better soon so you can have your me time and relax…and Colin love your Spanish writing, keep it up. Take Care & Blessings 🙂

  4. Croft says:

    You must take these people up on their invitations! Great photo of the woman guitarist!

  5. Hope the girls get better right quick, and Colin will be back soon as well.

  6. longdog2 says:

    Oh, my goodness. Here I am away from the computer for 6 days and the girls are so sick. I sure hope they are feeling better soon. Kind of wonder if it was the crab since Carmeh is now sick as well. Poor babies!

  7. danshula says:

    Wish all the family a swift and full recovery.

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