Tag Archive '319'

May 16, 2012

Desde un poco locos a mucho más loco

We are evolving from a bit crazy to much more crazy.  Some people in the housing industry are mas loco!  I walked out of a meeting Monday and simply handed Colin the phone from another.  I guess this is normal, but I don’t have time for stupid or for being lectured at by someone who […]


May 14, 2012

Another full day….

We are still packing in the activities and packing the boxes. Back to the house for some more packing and photography, lunch and then finally a walk.  I do believe that this is our first family walk since we got home on April 14th.  That is changing starting now.  It has to!!  Time to take […]


May 12, 2012

Chutney and money!

What ever do they have in common?  They rhyme.  I lost the chutney and found some money. I knew we had carted a jar of chutney down to Mazatlan and back home again but when I went to open it last night for dinner it was not in the pantry.  Who took the chutney, finally […]


May 10, 2012

Vote results!

First of all I am flattered by the hand full of you who emailed about my lack of a blog post yesterday.  Yes it is because we are swamped.  We have to be out of here in a few weeks with all that that involves but are still finishing up details on the house.  Many […]


May 08, 2012

Poco loco!!

Today was crazy!  Our builder woke us up, to say he would be here in 5 minutes.  That was the start of 7 meetings, all house related.  Only two were planned.  A 12 hour day all for the new place.  So now I sit with Papa Murphy’s Pizza in the oven and a glass of […]


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