Tag Archive 'friends'

Dec 09, 2012

…and that was Saturday!

The day sort of ran itself with little input from us. Over the summer the winds had taken away some of our palm fronds and if we did not do repairs then the sun would break down the plastic and then the wood support would start to rot so Danny added about 300 palm fronds […]


Dec 06, 2012

A big day for Tres Amigos RV Park!

Not only did our friends arrive but 2 other rigs as well.  We knew that 2 were coming in but a third made for a complete front row, in both RV1 and in RV2. Croft and Norman have been coming to Mexico a few years less than us but they keep on the move unlike […]


Dec 05, 2012

Settling in……

…..finally feeling like we are home.  Still can't find the dog shampoo but other things are surfacing. The only negative thing is our resident Iguana whom we affectionately named Carlos. He has begun to do his “business” all over the RV from his perch above and I suspect he is eating my plants.  He will […]


Dec 01, 2012

December already????

Where does the time go?  The hours is a day pass too fast, a day is over in a flash and now a month gone!!  Life is precious so I have to try to make every moment of every day count.  How does one do that?  I am going to try by doing things that […]


Nov 30, 2012

Not enough time…..

…in a day!!  The day seems to just disappear.  We are still trying to set up but with this and that, things are going slowly.  Oh well as long as we are enjoy the day so be it. Yesterday in photos, posted in the order they were shot!! Yesterday a few of the guys went […]


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