Tag Archive 'health'

May 11, 2013

Change and yet more change

I decided late Friday night that I would fly to Edmonton on Monday morning and join my parents at their appointment with their family Doctor.  They are both actually seeing this Dr. at the same time  so not only will Mom’s recent problems be reviewed but Dad’s also.  As some of you may know I […]


May 10, 2013

It’s all up in the air !

I had a reservation to go see my family in June but cancelled it today. My mom got back from the hospital late last night and the bottom line diagnosis is that “she is a mess”.  When I specifically asked questions, both Mom and Dad were very vague.  When I asked ‘what is next’ they […]


May 09, 2013

Just waiting….

Not a great day today. Oh the weather is practically perfect with a high of 30C.  But it is too hot for me with these heavy compression stockings on my legs.  They go from my toes to the tops of my thighs and no matter how light of a sun dress I put on I […]


May 02, 2013

The girls need surgery!!

Surgery, surgery, surgery…. Yes in triplicate.  All 3 of us girls need surgery. Caeli, our baby, needs to have a growth on her eyelid removed. Carmeh, has had her growing lump on her right side, checked by our vet.  It is a fat growth that when grows even larger needs to be removed.  The vet […]


Apr 29, 2013

Never had hives before !

Before I start….this is NOT tick related. Colin spent the weekend sorting and tidying and putting our house back together.  I finally emptied 5 boxes and got my desk organized.  Of course I have a stack of work to do but I will be sitting at an organized desk. I can sit at my desk […]


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