Tag Archive 'health'

Dec 22, 2012

Que pasa!

Well other than that fact that my husband borrowed my blog last night life is good.  Actually I seem to have an allergic reaction to something and my chest, arms and neck are lit up like Santa's suit!  I have tried everything I can think of, next step is to delete everything that goes into […]


Nov 18, 2012

Ely, Nevada

We got here safe and sound.  We only have left just over 230 miles to Las Vegas and our 7AM engine appointment Monday morning. We do have a problem as we can smell carbon monoxide in the bedroom where the engine is, we likely have an exhaust leak.  Which was likely caused by inefficiency from […]


Nov 17, 2012

Too sad to post!

No worries, we have arrived intact in Mountain Home, Idaho, a total of 407 miles.   Not to say we didn't have the odd issue today but we coped and we do have an appointment with Cummins in Las Vegas on Monday at 7AM re an engine issue!!!  Our top travel speed from here on […]


Nov 09, 2012

Glowing in the dark & across the border!!!

I found out today that if you have a test where you are injected with radioactive material you will set off alarms crossing at the US border, even up to 14 days later!  Apparently since 9/11 they have embedded detectors within the road and before you even hit the border the alarms are going off. […]


Oct 17, 2012

Not coming together:(

The one issue that has not been resolved re setting a departure date is becoming a bigger issue.  I spent a huge amount of time on it yesterday and will again today.  There is nothing I can do to change the outcome but to wait and see what will evolve.  Hopefully we are looking at […]


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