Tag Archive 'Isla de la Piedra'

Nov 12, 2013

Settling in

We are still doing things but much slower and much less on a daily basis.  We are enjoying greeting all the locals we know from years past and they are happy to see us. The water delivery folks, the lavenderia ( laundry ) family, the two fruit & veggies truck fellows, the local tortilla shop, […]


Nov 11, 2013

El Sol is back and here to stay

Things are always better when the sun is shinning.  The temperature inside the RV is 88F during the day and that is with three Fantastic Fans running.  We made a great decision getting that new fan installed in Quartzsite last Monday.  I have no idea what the high is outside but we tend to stay […]


Nov 10, 2013

Not a perfect few days

Normally when we arrive, life is perfect here on the Isla.  However we have had some damage from Hurricane Manuel, the end of September and Tropical Storm Sonia which passed just days before we arrived.  They each caused some damage.  We have no internet right now as Sonia knocked out the internet lines in both […]


Nov 09, 2013

Catching up from San Carlos and the rest of the story.

South of Guaymas the roads were horrid, full of potholes and very rough.  Finally from C. Obregon we were on a new stretch of highway, a relief from the jarring potholes.  Soon the entire route from Nogales South will be an easy drive.  We are  happy to see the changes over these past years. I […]


Nov 08, 2013

We are home….for the next five months.

The girls knew right away where we were.  We had no internet yesterday and today once we arrived on the Isla we discovered that we have no internet here either. Tropical Storm Sonia that passed thru here Sunday/Monday wiped out much of my beautiful garden, many plants in the park and the internet.  This post […]


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