Tag Archive 'sunsets'

Dec 13, 2012

A different day…..

…and it is all Croft's fault.  The weather changed today.  Had he stayed I just know we would have continued with sunny skies, instead we had dull grey clouds and soft rain showers starting late afternoon.  Actually a lovely change from the heat and humidity. It seems that Carlos the iguana has left of his […]


Dec 12, 2012

Just another day in paradise…..

You wake up to the sounds of the waves crashing on the shore….then you hear the bird calling and the dogs want to go out and so begins the day.  Some days we just let the day unfold at will.  Other days we have a bit of a plan, perhaps put up a few decorations, […]


Dec 10, 2012

Que pasa a la Isla de la Piedra?

Sunday was a day of rest.  I really truly laid low and my body was happy.  Colin was putting up a sun umbrella for me when….. It really was a quieter day and I did relax much more.  I even turned down an invite to a happy hour.  Norma says it went till after 9PM….do […]


Dec 06, 2012

A big day for Tres Amigos RV Park!

Not only did our friends arrive but 2 other rigs as well.  We knew that 2 were coming in but a third made for a complete front row, in both RV1 and in RV2. Croft and Norman have been coming to Mexico a few years less than us but they keep on the move unlike […]


Dec 05, 2012

Settling in……

…..finally feeling like we are home.  Still can't find the dog shampoo but other things are surfacing. The only negative thing is our resident Iguana whom we affectionately named Carlos. He has begun to do his “business” all over the RV from his perch above and I suspect he is eating my plants.  He will […]


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