Tag Archive 'travel'

Nov 17, 2012

Too sad to post!

No worries, we have arrived intact in Mountain Home, Idaho, a total of 407 miles.   Not to say we didn't have the odd issue today but we coped and we do have an appointment with Cummins in Las Vegas on Monday at 7AM re an engine issue!!!  Our top travel speed from here on […]


Nov 16, 2012

Very bad start to the trip!!!

It did take longer than expected but we were able to start the engine by 12:15 noon. We got as far as the Holiday Park  parking area where we ho0ked up.  The girls insisted on going out to do their business.  While that happened the Pressure Pro Sensors were warming up and started to beep […]


Nov 02, 2012

We are leaving……

….but not til November 15th!  But we will be heading to Mexico for certain and that is the best news possible. Everything that was holding us back has been postponed to the end of April.  That means that we will be cutting short our winter vacation by about 3 weeks, maybe more.  I'm not looking […]


Oct 27, 2012

Mexico updates!

Just a few quick notes for those of you who may not have been keeping up to date with the changes. The first one has to do with new immigration laws that will come into effect on or about ( that's Mexico for you, no exact date ) November 12th.  You can read about it […]


Oct 07, 2012

Stuff and more stuff!!

We have too much stuff in the RV.  I think I got rather tired toward the end of packing up in May and just threw stuff in the RV.  Likewise Colin took tons of things out of the RV and stored it all in bins so we would have stuff inside the RV.  Now we […]


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