Tag Archive 'Wine'

Dec 17, 2012

Sunday was a blur of things….

First off don’t ever leave home without your camera.  We missed so very many photo ops yesterday.  The first occurred while Colin was at the far end of the beach with the girls.  Suddenly a puppy appeared and attached itself to him and the girls, they all played together.  Now Colin was beginning to wonder […]


Dec 05, 2012

Settling in……

…..finally feeling like we are home.  Still can't find the dog shampoo but other things are surfacing. The only negative thing is our resident Iguana whom we affectionately named Carlos. He has begun to do his “business” all over the RV from his perch above and I suspect he is eating my plants.  He will […]


Nov 19, 2012

Sitting at Cummins in Las Vegas!

Well we made it to Las Vegas with no incidents.  Thanks Leo for your concerns re the carbon monoxide in your comment.  We kept the vents open while driving and the fantastic fans on.  For certain we have a problem with the engine.  Our appointment was for 7AM and they were right on time.  We […]


Oct 10, 2012

Missed, missing, gone…..

What a hectic last few days.  I think my mind is missing. So busy that I missed a visit from BC Island friends Donna & Brent, no worries though as we will catch up to them on Stone Island, eventually.  Colin did manage a quick visit with them on 2 occasions.  I am always missing! […]


Sep 28, 2012


Thank God it's Friday!!! Yesterday wasn't too bad, our Phantom Screen door was installed and my custom made TV stand appeared.  A few smaller inside items were completed.  Only stressful thing was the house builder showing up to do a tour of our house to new clients of his.  I don't mind it ( for […]


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