Sep 26, 2012
Good news if you have a Class A or Class B RV and happen to be a member of Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA). Effective October 1, 2012 as part of your annual dues they have added a variety of travel and medical services. For an additional fee of $105.00 annually you also get things […]
Sep 11, 2012
The past few days have not been pleasant. You will no longer be admitted willy nilly. Appointments are a must, no more just showing up and having the run of the place!! Monday the flooring idiot came back to repair his previous damage and left without informing us he had by accident made a hole […]
Sep 08, 2012
…that is how my Friday (yesterday ) started! It was the house builder wanting to meet onsite in 20 minutes to go over deficiencies. Yawn!! Okay I will get dressed and meet you there. Knock, knock, at the RV door, 2 minutes later!! What the ??? It was the add a room builder, we are […]
Sep 06, 2012
The night before the move we were totally done in. About 5 PM Colin went under the house to vacuum and discovered a huge mess, the trades had been using that area as a garbage dump. Enough said but it took 4 hours to clean up and 2 truck loads to the garbage. Moving morning […]
Aug 18, 2012
…if it ever gets completed. There is lots to do in every room of the house but most trades are waiting for the add a room to be completed so they have the completed space to work in. Yesterday, Friday, the windows for the add a room arrived, some the correct size but most not. […]