Originally posted May 19. Trying again today with a change on the title/
~ this was to be my Mothers Day post. So belated Happy Wonderful Mothers Day Wishes to each of you. How about we make Mothers Day last a week this year 😆 I really did think about many of you and wondered how your day was going. I hoped that you all had a wonderful special day full of love and some special moments.
~ last week I thought that I was ahead of this game of life and on track to post more often and to read your posts daily not just once a week. Once again life intervened. I wonder if by getting older that all my faculties begin to slow down. The mind is willing but time is passing much too quickly and I can’t keep up. Part of the problem is that at 8:30PM it is still light outside unlike the Isla that is dark by 6PM. There is a special reason that this week is over the top crazy busy and you shall find out in the next few days.
√ Check that I am back to kinesiology and into a great routine with daily exercises. I was so happy to see that I had not lost much over the past 2 months that I had stopped. Don’t know if you knew that, but my constant coughing just about did me in and I have been so tired. It feels wonderful to be on track again.
√ My face is almost healed but I still have many brown spots. But as I get older who cares? I will continue my leg vein treatment twice per year as that is important to my health.
~ We had a few days of lovely hot weather, perfect temperatures with blue skies and then the smoke started to come in. Four days straight now. We could barely see across the lake.Yesterday children in school were kept inside due to the smoke. No recess. I read an interesting article yesterday about how on March 23rd La Nina said adios and now El Nino is in charge of the weather patterns. Yes more heat in certain areas but over the top heat 😥 Life as we know it is changing much quicker that we expected and we are now fully involved in all these new and record breaking events .Click here to read the article. It really is worth five minutes of your time.
√ The Honey Locust needed to be trimmed and Colin was unable to get up on a ladder to do it this spring. Thank goodness he agreed to hire someone.
√ So back to me and my health. We have made the long drive to Summerland to see the chiropractor three times thus far. Colin is improving but my neck is not. Somedays I can move it and others I can’t. We did get to visit the odd leash dog park each again which was fun but the girls are spoiled and want waves and warm water to play in. But my neck remains an issue as does my coughing.
√√ Finally got my chest xray done and my long awaited knee xray. As expected my chest is clear but my right knee is showing worsening osteoarthritis. No she will not send to an orthopaedic surgeon but is instead sending me to a sports medicine doctor 😮 I have no idea how long the wait will be. But I insisted on getting a requisition for the blood work for Vally Fever. I did that last Friday and am still awaiting the results.
I see how much I have accomplished in the last nine days 🙄 No wonder I haven’t had time to read a book 🙄
Hello from Oregon. I have followed your blogs for several years and always enjoy your sharing of your life and travels and especially your beautiful doxies. So sorry about the coughing. Do you take Lisinopril? It gave me a very bad sore throat cough for months! until I read up on side effects. I stopped taking it and told my clueless doctor who prescribed something different – I believe this is for high blood pressure. It took a few weeks but my throat is fine now. Best wishes to you. Roberta
Roberta, I take Lisinopril for high blood pressure; never had any side effects from using it. Contessa’s constant cough seems unusual because her test said she had clear lungs. That is why I’m so glad she is being tested for Valley Fever, something she probably has not dealt with before.
I did get this email originally, not from this blog.