That means that if we have been married 37 years ( and we really have ) that Colin has been married to me for half of his life 😎 Pretty neat, eh 😀
I have not posted many photos of late but I am surprised that no one has noticed ( not even those that see him here in the park every day ) that Colin has had his hair cut short again. This was my first hint to you.
Yesterday was the day I was going to get in touch with my eye surgeon to sort out my surgery dates and or possible options. Effective last Friday the entire office is on vacation until August 7th. Also the good doctor only operates on Wednesdays and the first date will be August 14th or 21st ( I don’t know why ). I am confirmed for one eye on the 28th and the other on September 4th. In the worst possible situation I will use both those surgery dates but ask the doctor to discharge me re the final eye on October 11th instead of October 16th, the official date. Unless he can do both on the 28th or possibly one on the 21st and the other as schedules on the 28th. We have no choice but to cross into Mexico on October 25th at the very latest.
I had hoped to see the doctor on the 14th of October ( only 2 days short of my required recovery time ) but that is the Canadian Thanksgiving long weekend. Just my luck 🙄 We can’t leave any later than October 16th re meeting the obligatory dates in Mexico re our residency. Otherwise we would need to start from the very beginning in 2025 and we would forfeit the monies that we have already paid.
Just a quick aside – many of you have shared your cataract surgery details with me and I thank you for that. Regarding the eye drops I will only have 2 different bottles to use which must be applied 4 times per day. One drop per bottle, seems simple enough to me.
So yesterday was Colin’s birthday and I always insist on getting a few surprises for him. He prefers to have Chinese takeout for his special meal and his cake of choice is an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. Because of my failing eyesight I am no longer driving the car. So off Colin went to pick up his cake and take out Chinese. They are closed on Mondays! Ah such a disappointment. So I said to come back home and we would make something and we could do the take out later this week. At least he got his cake.
Such is our life these days, nothing is for certain and can change often during one day.
Even the weather is poco loco. We had a system come in about 10AM and it overpowered the heat and we even had a few minutes of rain. Seriously refreshing and the smell of the ions – wonderful. A few hours later we were back up to 104F!  Already so smoky here. Please no more ligheninlg strikes 😥 I read that there were over 1000 strikes yesterday.

Taken just one year later at Christmas 1967. Quite the visual change. Colin had no idea that this was me. I definitely recall the housecoat and even the exact colours but no idea what the gift was. Probably clothing which was the norm for gifts.
This morning a fellow came along to purchase something from my FB Market place site. Sold! Another $400.00 to the Isla kitty fund. However he was stunned with our home and begged to come in and check it out. So we did a a proper showing both inside and outside and under the house. He is interested for himself as a summer home for his family as well as for a friend of his moving to this area. He asked all the right questions including being able to rent it out when he is not using it. So fingers crossed, toes as well if you can manage it, prayers and as many positive thoughts that you can manage 😎