However did February zoom past so very quickly?

The next photos are from February 6th. These red billed birds were hangout on our rocks. I can’t remember their name but one of you will know.

Even with this extra leap year day I am way behind, yet again 😳  It is what it is! What a busy month is has been. Never ever did I expect all this research re moving here to take so much time. But then this is Mexico and many things happen slowly. And of course there are always glitches.

That same day we were invited to happy hour next door to us bu one lever up. Linda, a long term blog reader calls it her 2 million dollar view. It is a fabulous view.

The first main thing that we have accomplished was to find a doctor. One that comes very highly recommended and that we both like. I even told him that I was an RN years ago.  I usually don’t tell doctors that because of how they many think of my and my knowledge and huge variety of questions. Colin and I are very healthy and likely won’t see him until early 2025.

Linda always waves to the departing cruise ships.

Meanwhile the biggest time taker is finding International Medical health insurance. We really only need to be covered here in Mexico with the option of topping up if we travel to Tucson for a few things that we have yet to find here or head back to Canada. We spent several hours a week ago in a few of the larger stores here in Mazatlan and Sams Club. We walked every aisle and I made notes of what I could by here ( usually more expensive but that is okay ).  We really are woking to prepare for the move.

Great place to watch the sunset from.

We both really want to get back home ( April 30th ) and list and sell our home. Hopefully the people who were interested last spring are still interested. We are mentally ready now for the big change. Whether we sell or we don’t we plan to start cleaning out our home. Of course that includes selling everything from our white leather sofa to desks to china to teak and rosewood furniture and everything else. We have started to go thru cupboards here in the RV to discard what is no longer needed and to organize things better. We will be bring in a small amount of things for home. I already have 12 one glasses in the RV and I don’t need more. In fact 6 is enough. I probably have at least 20 more at home.

I also spent hours online the other day looking for a better way to store certain items, like my office files, even years of income tax stuff. I have never been happy with how my cups, glasses ( that includes wine ) and my plates and bowls are placed. We now have that figured out. So many many changes.

Looking down at our RV site. Love the sunset colour reflection.

However we are both ecstatic to be able to live here full time. When it gets too hot in the summer we will head inland and up in elevation to cooler temperatures. We are free to do what we want to and when we want to.

We seem to have many fishermen out there. Fun to watch. Many do catch a few.

The most important thing is to shut down our company. Likely it will take two years. We are trying to get it done sooner. Hopefully we will be able to complete the process from here in Mexico.

Love our view in this direction.

Finding a bank here has taken days and days of research. Last week we spent two days opening a two accounts, one for each of us. That way we can split our money and have it fully insured with the Mexican bank. Things did not go as smoothly as expected but we can handle the bit of disruption. By next December all will be fully functioning.

Did I tell you? We are now official with our veggie truck coming three times per week. These two have wonderfully fresh veggies and fruits.

We are trying to get as many details out of the way so that we can have a month off from researching before we have to return to Canada. Looking forward to that relaxation time.

Lucky Colin enjoying this vista everyday.

I am also in the midst of booking cataract surgery, my vein injections, dental care, etc for once we return home. If the house sells quickly who knows how the next few months will go.

Colin commissioned this heavy wood umbrella stand. Now I can get shade on my face while still sitting in the sun. It has never blown over. Perfecto.

So that is pretty much why I have not had time to post. Some days I don’t even get out of the RV.

We are starting to get our 360 degree sunsets. Feeding time for the pelicans.

Finally finally my computer is supposed to be repaired tomorrow. the tech was sick earlier and had to cancel. This means so much to me. As to the new computer colours, I chose the green and Colin says the red – but it is labeled as pink so that might change.

Thanks for hanging in with me. Not to worry as every moment/event will still be posted as I have all photos and need to record the memories.

Oops it is 9:30PM and Colin has held dinner for me so I could do this post. So no time to check for any errors. Let me know if I should change something.


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15 thoughts on “However did February zoom past so very quickly?

  1. Cindy Mensies says:

    Sounds like it not all
    Coming together!

  2. Jannose says:

    Always lots of research and things to do when one moves. I am sure everything will fall into place and next year at this time it will all be behind you and you will be relaxing full force.

    1. But moving internationally brings its own set of issues.

  3. I wonder if you should try to sell your home as a turn key, fully furnished – just move in, relax and enjoy!!

    1. Now that is a thought.I have never heard anything advertised like that, but as we are on a lake in the Okanagan that is something to consider.

  4. Genie DeLauro says:

    Nice photos Contessa! Ahhhhh! Life on the Isla.

    1. Thank you. We do live in paradise.

  5. Croft Randle says:

    Decisions are being made! Good for you. But like you say, “It is Mexico”. Things happen when they happen.

    1. Lucy. says:

      👍…😂 😂

  6. Sue n Mike Kehoe says:

    That’s wonderful and exciting news that plans are starting to come together for your move to Mazatlan. We will miss you at the Sweetlife here in Kelowna, but will visit you there. See you in May. Safe travels.

    1. Of course we will miss you as well. But as you say we will met here.

  7. Maxx Trails says:

    I’m sure it is a bit of a relief to have made the decision to sell as well as getting more settled in Mexico 🙂

    1. Actually a huge relief to have made that big decision.

      1. Lucy. says:

        Contessa, hi!
        Welcome to ‘ the hispanic way ‘… why do it today if U could do it mañana ?? 🤪 🤪. Buena sUerte con todos vuestros project0s !!

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