Very busy weekend

Time stops for no one. We very seldom have anything planned for a weekend.

We were gifted tickets to the Snowbird Dance this past Saturday. We were not going to go as the main course was a prime rib. However I asked and they made us a wonderful and very tasty main course vegetarian meal.

First happy hour, then dinner followed by a dance with a DJ. As you can see it was a capacity crowd.

Yes we danced but I was very mindful of my knee, so no jives nor jump jive/swing dancing. Twice I said enough and came and sat and rested.


Great meal, lots of visiting with friends and some dancing, truly a wonderful evening. The girls were really good, we kept checking the nanny cam and never heard any barking, they slept mostly. A special Saturday night on the “town” ( here in our park ) for us.

Sunday didn’t look so great weather wise and we had three events to attend 🙁  But by noon the sky was showing signs of sun and some warmth. We only got to two parties. Sadly we had to to miss the first ever (in 20 years) garden meeting. No idea what it was about but I know that someone will tell us eventually.

Sunday afternoon began with Oliver’s 9th birthday party. His parents only live about 20 minutes away and we had replied yes to the RSVP back in April. Oliver was a rescue doxie who was overweight at 28 pounds. He looks great at 18 pounds. That puts him at the lower end of a standard doxie.

There were supposed to be 8 eight parents with their dachshunds who had RSVPed, but only three families attended. These all belong to Donna, a full house of four. I have no idea how she does it.

There were seven girls and Oliver was the only male at his party. Just how it should be!! The doxies never stayed in the same location to get a photo of them all.  Had everyone come there might have been of 6 – 8 more dachshunds 🙂

Jiwon, the hostess of the party and Oliver’s mom working on making friends with our Carlie.

Colin holding Carlie. Our girls did very well and did not bark – well not too much.

Ciela ( against her will ) trying on some high end reflective sun glasses. The sun can be difficult on our girls eyes causing them to constantly squint in the sun. The sunglasses did not work out as she kept trying to take them off.  I am going to try and find a special doxie hat next.

Oliver’s birthday celebrations were fabulous but we had to tear ourselves away. Our annual block party was on the go and waiting for us to get there. The girls were exhausted so we left them at home to rest. The party was actually at our first home here across the road. The yard is perfect for a large gathering. We were over two hours late but there was still lots of food left over. Two late nights in a row but I didn’t have to make dinner either night 😉

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5 thoughts on “Very busy weekend

  1. Oh, my goodness, four??? I could never… Just the one keeps me hopping and is out of control alot of the time!!Even with two, don’t know how u do it, but then there are two of you most all the time… still….

    1. Jim and Barb says:

      Good to see you are busy and having a good time!

  2. Maxx Trails says:

    Lots of fun and lots of cute pictures!

  3. Jannose says:

    Glad to see you are getting ou5 and about and having fun!

  4. You two make such a cute couple! Love Ciela sunglasses, too bad she wasn’t a fan.

    Amazon has a Princess cap that may be suitable 🙂

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