Que pasa

Thank you for your comments and thoughts about our new home to be. We don’t know what we will be arriving to other than that it will be sunny and hot 😎 . Someone was supposed to purchase a tinaco for us yesterday which I presume will lead to it being installed and filled.

It should store a few weeks worth of water so between this and our RV water tank we will be prepared for anything. Ours will probably be black and not this large. Of course now we have to learn how to keep it clean etc.

All the laundry is done including all the dog blankets, the business is shut down until May. The RV has been sitting in front of the house since midday Thursday. The two big blog posts are done. And we have been loading and loading and loading. Even a 40′ diesel pusher has weight limits and space restrictions 😯 The freezer is full. Still much more to do today, clothes, shoes, toiletries etc. Remember last year I forgot bar soap, the kettle and the vacuum cleaner, well those are all in the RV. Hopefully we won’t forget anything.

Following the sun around the house.

If there is no sun they sit in front of the heater.

We are a bit behind ( more drama of course ) in that Carlie had a medical problem but we were able to get her into the vet yesterday ( Saturday ). She will be fine but we need to get the crystals out of her urine. The only reasons  ( thanks to Dr. Google ) we think she has the problem is because she eats too may legumes ( raw green beans from our garden ) and holds her urine too long. Often up to 12 hours at a time. The next problem was this morning when Colin could not call forward his cell phone to our home phone. We have a lovely feature that sends all phone calls to an email for us to check. You may recall that several months ago I got all these really great mobility plans. Colin was switched to a pre pay plan which we only found out today does not allow for call forwarding. Between us we spent close to 5.5 man hours sorting this out. He is now back on a post pay plan for the same amount of money. Only he has no data and has to pay an extra $5.00 per month in order to call forward.

Trying to eat the rest of our home grown produce.

Baked veggies are so yummy.

So now it’s back to packing, loading and unpacking. The rain showers stopped so Colin has moved the golf cart and my car to the empty storage spot that the RV was in. They will both be covered  for the winter. The to do list just keep getting more and more added to it 🙄

We have a problem with one of the igniters on the BBQ. Colin took it all apart, blew the lines out etc but no go. A new part is waiting for us to pick up in Vegas.

Yesterday morning we woke up to a totally empty lake.  No geese nor ducks, not even gull. It was rather strange. This morning I thought I saw a turtle but it was merely a floating leaf. However about three days ago I saw a Blue Jay and Mr and Mrs Flicker. Perhaps they were just passing through.

Our neighbours spent the past two weeks building a fence to block off their yard.

Definitely time for us to leave if the water fowl have left. It has been chilly the past week, lovely during the day when the sun is out but otherwise brrrrr. We decided that we would leave even earlier next year.

My lovely hairdresser Tana and my new do.

Short but sassy.

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8 thoughts on “Que pasa

  1. Nancy Beglaw says:

    Lovely new hairdo for your new adventure!!

  2. Jannose says:

    Your new haircut looks great!

  3. Karen says:

    Love the cut love the colour 🥰

  4. SandyM says:

    Nice haircut; hope you will enjoy having it a little shorter. Traveling Mercies for your trip South and even further South. So many new adventures to enjoy.

  5. Cindy says:

    Bien vijae mi amigos!

  6. Catheline says:

    Contessa, you look fabulous!!

  7. Linda Sand says:

    I also love the new do. It suits you.

    Safe travels with no exciting adventures.

  8. Lucy. says:

    Contessa & Colin, WOW… bet you 2 must be exhausted with all the activities & preparations. Love U’r new hairstyle, lovely + it must be easier to keep, YAYYYYY ! Buen viaje a los 4 en vuestra ruta a Mexico; que interesante es esa idea del tinajo, my grand-mother used to have one, but it was big, muy grande, it held a huge amount of agua.

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