As expected Colin has a spooky movie all set up for night. I promised that I would watch one with him every Halloween and I always hope that he will forget. He never does.

Colin’s full moon shot this past Friday in Quartzite.
It was a very cool Sunday morning in Quartzite @ 51F. The girls only went out to do what they had to do.
Yesterday morning the 30th we were on the road at 8:15AM. Beautiful coolish day to do the drive and lo wind. We could just enjoy the passing scenery and clear blue sky. The night prior we had reviewed Google maps and had screen shots and written directions. But we left a bit earlier just in case.
Well just in case came in handy. Stupid, stupid error on both of our parts. Once we got off I8 onto Hwy 84 then we were to hang a left on Hwy 387. Colin said there is the turn and off we went. It was only Hwy 347. Much much too soon. Needless say we got lost, very lost. We had driven north from I 8 to within one block of I10. So our precious extra 50 minutes were used back tracking and getting to where we were supposed to be at the repair shop. Fortunately we were only a few minutes late. We were taking the RV in to get the dash A/C checked at Rich’s Auto Repair. He came highly recommenced by friends K & J who had the same problem a week earlier. dd

Our view from site B19.
First thing Rich said, was that our Freon was rather low and we had a leak in the hose. He drained our system ( dash air system ) and 90 minutes later and $250.00US later we were ready to leave. We needed four additional pounds of Freon. However the leak in the hose was exactly where the hose attached to the valve. He tried repeadefly to take the valve off but it was impossible. After six attempts he gave up. Colin asked about changing the 40′ hose. We were told that that was a full two day job, because the hose ran from the dash area all the way back to the engine in the back of the bus. He explained that he fixed it as best as he could and that it should last a long time.
By the time we re hooked the Jeep to the RV it was getting to be late afternoon. I made as quick as I could stops at Fry’s and Walmart. I have been looking for a solid week for veggie burgers, any kind. None to be found. Most strange.

That is Picacho Peak and its state park. We are almost there.
We got to our site at Picacho Peak just as the sun slid below the horizon. So much colour and beauty. It is because of Hurricane Norma that we are here for four nights. Colin loves it here.

How fortunate we are to enjoy this view for four nights.
We had a wonderful evening and good sleep. That is until the girls woke us at 7:30AM. The insisted on a walk, They were so happy to be here. They could not stop kissing me once they got back to the RV.

Such happy doxies.
Once again today we had internet issues. Over and over. I guess that’s why I never posted yesterday. I have my personal ATT hot spot device and it worked but it was extremely slow. Suddenly AireBeam WiFi popped up on the screen advertising the safe or wifi from 4.00 per day to 35.00 per month. RV park internet is usually awful – although last year we had great internet in Las Vegas. So we took the bait and paid $8.95 for 3 full days of service. Best thing we have ever done. Colin called the company to see how we were restricted. No cap at all and it was a fiber optic system 😀 Wonderful service and speed. I was happy about that as I had some unexpected banking to deal with.

Hey that’s me in the green.
Colin is working with the gilrs in keeping them close with just voice commands. So far today, only one escapee. Ciela just wanted to see what was on the other side of the road.
Just a lovely day here. I have never seen the park so empty but perhaps todays date has something do with it.

Thanks for sharing Carol. We hope to see it one day as well.

Happy Halloween from the chocolates. This is our October 2023 calendar photo. It was taken a year ago.
Just a little suggestion for the pups:
I love Picacho Peak state park, enjoy!
See you in a couple of days. Might just have to stay for that magnificent sunset!
Wow, Colin’s moon shot is truly exquisite. Loved all the photos and the one of you in green is a keeper.
Everything feels so much calmer, you will be there soon.
Did you do your exercises…
Love reading your blog
Contessa & Colin, as U amigos approach Mexico I’m sending u a ‘ Spanish refresher’ note, Picacho = un pico muy grande, which refers to a mountain with a large / sharp protuberance… that’s a ‘ picacho’. Hoping u have enjoyed the horror movie 😂