We arrived early enough, here at De Anza Resort in Amado, to get two loads of laundry done, have our showers, dump the tanks and fill the water tank to the brim. We know we likely will have no electric nor water. We are good with the water situation. Something is happening that requires us to be there no matter the circumstances. Otherwise we will never get our services set up.
We are driving in less than 7 hours from now. We likely will have no internet tomorrow. Just wanted to let you know.
Lots of stories and photos to come.
Next post will be from Mexico.
Good luck! Safe travels.
Safe travels. Post when you can, will be thinking of you.
Hey don’t feel bad
Just found out our place not ready either
But he has 10 days and says he will be done
Safe travels
See you sometime after Nov 15th
Heyyyy, U truly are almost there, good for U amigos. Hopefully your yard is dry by now, no mas agua desparramda y barro por doquier ! 💃 💃 💃. Have a safe trip U 2 & the girls.