Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da

Some say that this is the happiest song ever written. “According to Science, this song is the most perfect pop song ever written” – “My dad showed me this song,and ever since then it’s been on repeat 🙂 ITS MAKES ME FEEL SO SAFE AND HAPPY AHHHHH” – “This song made uncontrollably smile in the hallways of my high school and when I saw my friends in the hall way it made me smile 20X more with this song on” – “Back in 1990 my daughter was 5 I picked her from school I had the Beatles CD playing when this song came on. She immediately started bopping her head and singing along to obla di obla da when the song finished she wanted to hear it again. By the time we got home she was in the happiest mood. It was her favorite song at the time” – “there are some songs which feel your mind with joy instantly……it is one of them !! Isn’t it?” – ” LOVE THIS SONG BY BEATLES ❤❤❤ it tells me that no matter what life throws at you in our journey here on earth, Life Goes On, whether it be Tragedy, Sadness loss of a loved one or love not reciprocated ; Life goes 😂on❤” – “This song makes me feel like I’m in Nirvana. No future, no past, just now, and I couldn’t care less what’s happening in my life. It’s perfect!”

Why oh why is this the title of my blog? I was about to write about something totally different but this popped into my head. I have not heard this song for many many many years, probably like most of you. I have been rather sad these past few days but I have come to grips with my feelings.

Carefree and happy. Aren’t I colourful?

So is Mother Nature.

No need to go into details but an exceptionally extraordinary person in my life is going through an extremely difficult time. This music has uplifted me and hopefully will help her as well.

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7 thoughts on “Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da

  1. Cindy says:

    Great sunset pics! Let’s the ocean and the waves heal you!

  2. Carol says:

    The sunsets have been amazing since we’ve been here. That is a happy song. Have a great day and week and month and year.


    Beautiful pictures. Music always makes everything just a little bit better. Watched the video of your pup (wasn’t sure which one it is) along with the song. So much fun thanks for brightening my day too!

    1. Thank you! It was Carlie.

  4. Well, you are in a good mood and dancing barefoot on the beach! This was the first time you mentioned your daughter, I didn’t know you had one. Carlie sure loves the water!

    1. I don’t have any children. That top paragraph is all quotations about the song and how people feel/felt about it.

  5. Maxx Trails says:

    Sending hugs your way. And what stunning sunsets!

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