What can I say other then busy busy busy? We leave in 16 sleeps including today, the last day of September 😯 Where has the month gone? Fortunately the RV is perfectly ready to be on the road. Somehow we just need to load it and figure out where to put all of our stuff. Colin is already saying that I can’t bring this nor that 🙄 Well, time will tell.

Our April calendar models.
I have done some special food shopping for things that we can’t get there. I know that we can get some vegetarian items there but I am not current on that and I am certain that there are many I am not aware of. As you know over the past few years I haven’t been very mobile because of my knee so I need to get out there and check things out. This is probably a good time to let you know that I have not done my kinesiology exercises for 7 days. Yes please tell me that I am bad. Somehow I have to find the strength and time do to them everyday. Otherwise there will be no beach walking nor shopping for me. Colins has been suggesting I do them but honestly I am way too tired. I will try again tonight 😥 I can feel the difference in the strength in my body if I don’t do them.

The girls will soon be at their happy place. May calendar photo followed by the June calendar photo. Its all about beach time.
The girls are mostly sad and unsettled. We just don’t have the time to spend with them as much as we usually do. They nap more than usual but I catch them with their eyes open just watching us. I am looking forward to driving way and holding them in my lap all day. When I say the word “beach” they go crazy, so hopefully they are understanding what this is all about.
In medical news I have a cataract growing on my right eye ( if I have told you this already, I apologize ). So the wait is 6 – 12 months to see a specialist. I have yet to see anyone for my right knee issues which kept me grounded all last winter.I have been trying to see someone since this past April. They will not book me an appointment for May 2024 so I will have to start all over once we get back. Heck even the government is willing to wait for both the company taxes and our personal taxes!

Love this photo but they did not like wearing those hats.
I did get in to see the EENT specialist ( amazing how quickly that happened ). He confirmed that my left ear is hearing much less than my right ear. The nerve endings in my left ear Cochlea are damaged. Surgery will not help. He does want to see me again in six months ( it will be closer to 8 months before we get settled back here ) to see how fast the nerves are deteriorating. Looks like I will be getting hearing aids once we return. The other option is putting a screw into a bone in my head so that I can screw on an amplifier 😥 Looks like hearing aids it will be be. He also said that my ear canals are the smallest he has ever seen. So why does my body not reflect my ear canals?

A sign of a purebred doxie. The more pillows and the more blankets the better.
A very special thanks to a blog reader ( E, nice to know that you are still there ), who was able to direct me to the eye drops I will need in Mexico. I am relieved that that worked out for me. You are all there for me and are a huge help in keeping me functioning. I can’t thank you enough.
I need to get going on my post about our new home on the Isla. We are for certain going to be on Stone Island / Isla de la Piedra but in a different location. A door closed yet another opened (much much better for us ). Keep checking back for those posts and of course photos.
Glad you all liked the red shed doors. I think the house front door will be next. Once we get back from Mexico.
So I am finished writing this post. Took me close to 120 minutes. I am happy that I was able to do this. So now what? Do I go cuddle the girls ( Colin is working today ) or do I go do my exercises?
Estimada amiga C0ntessa, nooo, no eres mala, pasa que estas overwhelmed con tantas actividades y tu cuerpo necesita una buen descanso. Yes, exercising your knee is important to keep it functional, but with sooo much going on your body’s saying: ” please give me little rest ‘. Don’t feel guilty, comienza los ejercicios poco a poco, despacito, sin apuro & please don’t over do it. Sorry about your cataract, suffering from the same malady here; as we ‘grow better’ the wear & tear begins to show up, remember WE learned about those possibilities in nursing school, didn’t we ?? Love the girls with the sombreros; Yes please tell us all about the new vacationing site el La Isla de la Piedra. Hurry up & go to Mexico, YAYYYYYY !!
Gracias amiga. Love how you tell it as it is. I did do my exercises after I wrote the blog. Getting old is no fun. I am so looking forward to being in Mexico. Only 15 sleeps left.
Perhaps the best time for the exercises would be morning, say when first getting up. Even just a few, a slimmed down version for a while may be more helpful than doing none. Perhaps spreading them out throughout the day may also work better, try doing a COMPLETE set of one exercise, and an hour or so later doing a second COMPLETE set of another one, etc. squeezing them in before you get too tired at days end.
I had a cataract for years before it was removed, don’t worry about it.
Try worrying less and enjoying more. The girls are probably picking up on your stress.
Good luck. I always read even if I don’t comment and I will be waiting excitedly for the next adventure to begin.
I agree that morning would be a good time but I never wake up really awake. Takes me an hour to get moving. On the other doing exercises just might wake me up faster. Thank you for being a consistent reader.
The ‘key’ is consistently- every day, well maybe one set day each week with no exercise. Otherwise it is too easy to say no exercise today and the next day it is easier to again ‘not today’. Just remember to view the exercises will really help you. Have a great trip – we are looking forward to traveling with you.
What you say is too true. I do like the idea of taking one day off. FYI I did do my exercises yesterday, then had a bath and then cuddled the girls. So what if dinner was only at 9PM.
You are very welcome Contessa. I was ecstatic when I found the eye drops here in Mexico. There are two strengths and I bought the double strength last time which feel the same as the single strength other than the double hit to my wallet. 1,000+ pesos for the same tiny bottle. But perhaps that particular farmacia was not on the up and up because one blister pack of my husband’s blood thinners was missing from the box.
I checked with my eye doctor and she said if I got the higher strength that I should only use the drops every 2 – 3 days instead of daily.
Good to know my 1,000 peso bottle will last much longer!😊
You don’t have to push yourself my friend, sometimes the body needs a wee little break. I am finding the older I’m getting the harder it is to even get up and at it. Stay strong and let your body tell you what it wants, but I don’t have to tell you that 😆
Gracias amiga. Yes I am taking a break tonight because I had to post about Tres Amigos tonight and replay to some comments.
Here in Ontario I did not have to wait long for cataract surgery once it was determined that my eyes were bad enough to have it done. You’d be glad afterwards to have that corrected.
Your doggies sure love running in the water and beach. Once you move into the RV they will know where you are going! 🙂
I think other areas of BC might be quicker but here in Kelowna we only have the one hospital.
Good morning i have been reading your posts for a long time I have a question for you , Do you know if we will be able to use our Shaw Direct Tv South of the border this winter .
Welcome to the comment section of my blog. Nice to have you here. We have no idea about how Shaw will or will not work. It will be a real gamble. However we will be there by November 1st and will know now soon thereafter. If by chance ( we are setting up a new home area ) I forget to mention as we will be busy, please email me and ask.
Hi Contessa, we lost Shaw Direct last winter when the oldest sat (the only one of the 3 that was not “ranged”, the other two don’t get further than about 100 miles into the US. I have a work around, I bought an Amazon Fire Stick, there is a Shaw app that loads onto the firestick so you can receive Shaw by streaming over the internet. I haven’t tried it in the US but it works great in Canada. I suspect that you will have to install a VPN on your computer and use the computer as a hotspot, signing onto a Canadian VPN location, we used that method last winter when steaming Canadian news, had to because Canadian TV stations don’t want US folks watching!
We actually did get Shaw down in Mazatlan, about 90% of what we normally got. Will keep you informed re this winter. We do have that “V” thing you talked about.