We have arrived on the Isla!

It was a great travel day, we were driving by 6:03AM and arrived on the Isla itself by 12:40PM.  It was a stressless drive. In fact we wondered if this cartel war was for real.  We saw neither bad guys nor good guys ( police/military, etc ) no one was being pulled over every so often as we have been the past two past days. No military presence whatsoever. The roads were busy with mostly trucks. Never saw another RV since we left the US border. It was an easy non stressful drive.

Until we got to the Isla that is 🙄

We disconnected as usual but Colin decided to take the Jeep for a quick preview of the condition of the road and the low hanging  trees. He was gone almost 90 minutes 😯 Finally he came back with dismal news. Our site was full of weeds and our gravel had not been delivered and the gate was rusted shut! But worst of all there were so many low hanging tree branches that needed to be cut so we could drive to our site. It would take hours.

I made an executive decision and called David, manger of Tres Amigos and he graciously offered us to stay in which ever site we want to in RV1. It truly felt like coming home. Our site for years and years was number one but we stopped in site number two. Not sure we would fit in our old site with the new to us RV. But it was really wonderful, pulling in here. Even the girls knew where they were.

So tomorrow is tree cutting and gravel delivery day. I am staying here with the girls. Nothing is planned for certain but we wonder if it might be best for us to relax here for a few days and get our INM Visa business completed and then move to the compound Tuesday or later. Here it will be like a vacation just sitting and relaxing.  Moving involves starting a permanent set up. I vote to stay and relax 😎   We already had visitors earlier this afternoon which was very pleasant. Happy Birthday Jeannie, sorry but we really needed to set up the RV. Hope your dinner was extra special.

I feel asleep watching the ocean waves and then it was sunset. Perfection.

First Isla sunset this season. It feels so great to be back.

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19 thoughts on “We have arrived on the Isla!

  1. Rae says:

    Yes! Stay and relax. 😚

    Glad you have made it. Kind of home safely. Enjoy the fruits of your labour. Wishing you many beautiful Mazatlán sunsets!

    1. Ed Klop says:

      How wonderful, enjoy. I hope to leave on November 15 or thereabouts

  2. Nancy Beglaw says:

    I can stop holding my breath now! Good to hear you are there. Now, enjoy!!

  3. Deb says:

    Happy to hear you made it safely. Relax, the work can wait a little while.

  4. Jannose says:

    Glad you made it to the Isla!

  5. Cindy says:

    Yahoo glad all went well!

  6. Hope for the best and plan for the worst and…all is well! Glad you made it and you’ve got time to relax before the next chapter😊

  7. Dolores Tanner says:

    Oh, my gosh… So glad u guys are safe and finally a bit of relax, if not maybe for Colin! He just seems to go and go and go!!! The sunset pic beautiful. . Sorry there is so much more prep work Take care and God Bless

  8. Adirtsurfer says:


  9. Nancy says:

    Beat you by 1 nite
    Saw the guys working on the sites today
    Soon it will be all good
    No worry , be happy

  10. SandyM says:

    By all means take a few days to rest as both of you will benefit from a rest, the sand, the waves and the view. Does Colin ever slow down? I share start calling him the Pink Bunny as he never stops!

    1. SandyM says:


  11. Peter Brenc says:

    Wow! I was holding my breath there for a bit.
    I’m so glad our eyes and ears on the Island is back!

    Peter (from Maine)

  12. Lucy. says:

    Yes, you all 4 are on the island…YAHOO !!! Now, take a well deserved break for a couple of days & go back to your tasks with replenished energy, go, amigos, gooo !!! 💃 💃

      1. Lucy. says:

        Igual por acà !! 🐥 🐠 🌿 🌺

  13. Lucy. says:

    Contessa / Colin, hope U 2 guys & the girls are doing ok & are far from the ‘ trouble area ‘.

    1. Lucy. says:

      Please send just one ‘ OK here ‘ & we, your fans will be happy.

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