Belated Happy Halloween Everyone

A very quick update. On Monday we got our Visa extended for the next 3 years and the TIP  for the car to match it. Tuesday it only took 30 minutes to carefully drive here and park in our compound. The driving part included cutting tree branches that could scratch the RV ( that had been done the day prior ) or put a hole in the roof and the parking part took over two hours and involved some machete cutting and saw cutting and rock pounding ( Mexicans are so creative ). Not to mention tall fellows standing on ladders to hold up both the electrical and the internet wires. Miraculously we pretty much fit next to the palapa we built last season. Details to follow. Also had some RV work done and we are good for now.

I had a massage today, a long shower and enjoyed homemade fresh shrimp burritos for lunch with a lovely glass of Australian Sauvignon Blanc. Followed by a bit of reading time and a long nap outside.  It was way too hot to sit outside at Tres Amigos but the breeze is perfect here and of course no bugs 😎  My main goal is to decrease my pain and increase my energy level. The rest of the yard set up and unloading can wait. As far as I know we are here for at least 6 months. We had planned to go out and about for the Day of the Dead ceremonies and parade starting tomorrow but this year we are just going to sit tight.

Just love the sunflowers and the butterflies.

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22 thoughts on “Belated Happy Halloween Everyone

  1. Karen says:

    I’m betting you’re finally settling in for the season, enjoy my friend kick up your heels and enjoy 😉

  2. Cindy says:

    Yahoo you’re there and settling in! Glad you’re resting too! Enjoy 🥰

  3. Genie DeLauro says:

    So happy you had a “ Contessa” Day……massage, book, wine and wonderful food❤️
    Glad RV fit with palapa! Kick back and enjoy and all the set up will happen my love💕. CU guys soon. Can’t wait🥂👍

  4. Maxx Trails says:

    So happy you finally made it home. Enjoy some down time before you get busy again.

  5. Lucy. says:

    Contessa, I gather that you amigos are not at the Isthmus, but went back to the old parking space ( t
    Tres Amigos Park ). Hope you are still happy with the arrangements. Figure the girls must be elated to have the familiar beach within reach to play. Enjoy the warm weather, been chilly up North.

  6. Things are coming together after all your struggles to get there. Looking forward to your photos of the setup. The only thing I would be concerned about is, if you have to leave in a hurry (for whatever reason) who is going to lift the wires for you again to drive under them? Enjoy your stay!

  7. SandyM says:

    Hope you have a wee update soon on the move into your place on the Isla. Inquiring minds want to know! 😊😊😊

    1. Lucy. says:

      D I T T O !! 😁

  8. Paul says:

    I started following Contessas blog 4-5 years ago and have found it quite interesting, reading about their nomad life in MX and their Canadian Summers in BC.

    Unfortunately it appears that she is in the process of shutting the site down. She can”t be oblivious to the fact that people are not going to log in every day; because they care and are interested, only not to see one word. Quite disrespectful. Recently there was a long time follower who was checking in and then advised he will be unsubscribing. That got an immediate response from Contessa, so we know she’s logging in herself!

    I realize she does not owe us a daily blog but a lot of us may travel vicariously through her and Colin’s adventures and enjoy her adventures and respect the time it takes to do a proper blog…..perhaps a short blurb rather than a book??? She needs to decide if she’s a blogger …. Or not!

    1. NoNombre says:

      seriously Paul? don’t be a pendejo with your comment especially after everything that’s happened this year. act right and be respectful

      1. Lucy. says:

        Cierto, Contessa & Colin have been thru @ lot ( health issues & other unwanted phenomena ); Cierto Paul, don’t be a pendejo malcriado !!!🙄

    2. Deb says:

      Maybe you need to realize she doesn’t owe us anything. Blogging is a journal willingly written and shared. Lack of entries or blogs just means life is being lived. A quick note is always appreciated when reality is dangerous, but demanding it is not appropriate at any time. Just as you read her blog of your own free will, so it is written and shared of her own free will. Life is to be lived and if bloggers wish to share their adventures, it is their choice, not your right

      1. Lucy. says:

        👍 👍 👍 👍 Agree !!

    3. Rae says:

      Paul, where did you find the audacity and entitlement to post that? Unless you are cutting her a cheque every week per a very detailed posting contract, she owes you nothing. How dare you come at her like this at any time, especially one where there is clearly so much going on in her life?

    4. barb says:

      I think Paul belongs elsewhere if he’s going to be nasty.
      Entitlement isn’t an asset, Paul, it’s a liability.

    5. Paul says:

      Whoa people!, just a little bit of judgement happening..

      If you re-read my post, I very clearly stated that I have been a follower for many years and THOROUGHLY enjoy Contessa’s blog entries and especially the beautiful photos she shares.

      I have been disappointed that she has not been able to share ( for whatever reason ) more recently.

      I also clearly stated she does NOT owe us a blog and daily entry, although, there is somewhat of an expectation that at some point in a month we will be given an update of their goings-on and Adventures. I have a couple of blogs that I follow and the folks take a few minutes daily to update their online followers. Contessa too used to go to great lengths to post daily and kept us updated and current on their wonderful lives. All I was saying is that life changes and if appearance is anything, it appears blogging is not as important as it once was in her life…… which is understandable. People are asking for a “ wee update “; so it’s not just me who misses the entries.

      The judgy comments of me being nasty etc are pretty precious too by the way. And Lucy ( and Sandy too)…. Your comment Ditto with a smiley face doesn’t make your expectation of blog much gentler than my wording.

      Anyways……sorry for offending but obviously others are having similar thoughts but just not straight out saying it like I did.

      If she writes, she writes I guess.

      Have a great day.

      1. jim Davis says:

        Nice try dude, but it won’t fly. We all saw what you wrote, a whiny, self-serving snivel about Contessa being “disrespectful” because she wasn’t blogging everyday. Her blog is hers and hers alone, it is not to entertain you or anyone else. It is a record of her life with her family and friends. As others have said, and it’s patently obvious that she has had some challenges in her life recently that have reduced the frequency of her posts. Your opinion is pretty much worthless so keep it to yourself. And what’s with the “she needs to decide if she’s a blogger ….Or not!” Comment? WTH does that mean?

  9. Deb says:

    I’m happy to hear you all made it safe and sound. I have no doubt that the set up will wait just a very short period of time, no matter what your intentions might be! Lol I think most of us agree that a well deserved rest is called for, not just a physical rest but an emotional and mental rest as well. It has been a very long and difficult period in your lives, lots of stress and upheaval, the physical aspects no less daunting. So Miss Contessa, sit, sip, and love, convince Mr. Colin to do the same. Let the gentle breezes and the warm sun wrap you in its midst and sooth the ills away. Enjoy!

  10. Cindy Mensies says:

    Wow the comments yikes people …. I am a good friend of Contessa and Colin’s and a long time reader of her blog. Yes I too Paul have been following their journeys but they are on a next chapter journey and she has said several times over the last few months she will blog when she can during this transition time. Give them both some grace and she will post when she can!

  11. My only concern is…are you all right Contessa? Are Colin and the twins okay…all the rest can wait. My blog is quiet over the summer but you always pop up. I hope all is well😊

  12. Paul Walker says:

    While I am trying to understand the frustration, it’s worth remembering that blogging is a personal choice, not an obligation. Contessa and Colin has shared her life generously for years, and while we may miss the regular updates, she doesn’t owe us daily posts. A blog is a gift, not a guarantee. If this chapter is ending, perhaps it’s Paul’s turn to appreciate what she’s shared and find new ways to connect with the lifestyle he enjoy following. I for one appreciate their friendship and incredible insight to their nomadic life. My hat off to Contessa and Colin, on sharing the incredible adventures on any capacity. Please know there are many of us that only wish you the best that life has to offer.

    Paul Walker.

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