We took a trip down memory lane

First of all how ever did it get to be February. Our time here is flying past. I try to spend so many hours everyday researching banking, health insurance and other things we will need when we return here in October.  It took two days to find a medical doctor and the very next day one of my neighbours went to see him. Turns out that he will be perfect for us. We were to meet him this past week but life got in the way.

For the first time in my life I attended an online celebration of life. Jeanne, a special person in my life passed away last week and her family honoured her this past Sunday. Many were there in person but about 37 of us were able to be a part of the ceremony online. Jeanne was my age, a very happy, positive lady and well loved by her enormous family. This event shook me up and I took a few days to re evaluate my life and goals. How wonderful that we were able to spend some quality time over the years. She will be missed but forever remembered in our hearts.

We started Grade 7 together and graduated from nursing school together in 1973. I was honoured to spend an entire summer in her family home the year before we graduated.

Our graduation from Grade 12. I was 3rd from the left in the middle row and Jeanne was standing to my right.

Last Tuesday there was a wind storm. We were fine but about 11PM, Joe & Genie needed help with their awning because of the strength of the wind. We got it all taken apart but the awning ( electric ) would not roll in as the wind was so much stronger than the motor. So it took all four of us to put it out again and secure it with Colin’s heavy duty awning strap, rebar stakes and about four other ropes keeping it from going airborne. Sadly the wind caused several fibre optic wires to come down and we lost our internet.

Of course I injured my neck and back. However Katia was coming for my 90 minute massage about 11AM Wednesday. I had seen her just seven days prior ( for the first time in four weeks – because of her wedding ) and we were both surprised at how good my body was doing. No major aches/pains nor tightness. Sadly the wind storm changed all that. First thing Katia said what the heck happened to me. I was a tight mess. It literally took two hours of hard work on her part to get me close to normal. She was even able to level my legs. Colin muscle checked me the next day and I was back to near normal. Thank goodness.

Late Wednesday afternoon our third site was filled. We are officially full until March 1st.

How special that we were reunited after so many years had passed. I remember that they had visited us in Kelowna in 2014 and perhaps one other time.

The best day of the week was Thursday when very long time friend and blog reader came fo a visit. We had met Gisele and her husband Gunther RVing in Ramona, California in early April 2012. Sadly Gunther passed six years ago and we lost touch with Gisele. It was a wonderful surprise to receive an email from her that she and her friend Diane were in Mazatlan for a few weeks.

We had a long lovely visit followed by lunch at Puesta del Sol at the Tiki Bar. Thank you Diane for taking both of these photos.

Through Gisele and Gunther we met Hannelore and Peter who also live in Kamloops. We met them several times over the years. Enjoyed several afternoons at the symphony followed by some lovely meals.

This was taken in 2016, I believe our last time visiting in person. We so miss our visits with you both.

Adios Gisele y Diane.

Colin spent the rest of Thursday afternoon helping to connect  the final sewer line.

The trench for the water line was also dug and then connected. It was a busy day for Colin.

I got up to use the toilet sometime Thursday night and saw the moon casting its glow on the ocean. I took this while half asleep with no eye glasses on and through our dirty front window. It looked more magical in person but I now have this great memory.

And then there was Frantic Friday. I will save that for the next post.



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4 thoughts on “We took a trip down memory lane

  1. Carol says:

    Did you get your wedding ring fixed? We were sheltered from the bad winds by the building across the street. Glad of that. Have enough wind in Vegas to last a lifetime. Sounds like you had a good time visiting. We’ve been busier than I thought we’d be as Bill has had mostly very good days while we’ve been here. Today is a resting day though. That long covid is still taking a toll on him with the fatigue.

  2. SandyM says:

    So very sorry you have lost a very good friend and classmate. Through the miracle of technology you were able to share in the celebration of her life and gain some closure and perhaps even learn of a few gems that happened in her life which can now be a source of joy and comfort for you. “Make new friend but keep the old; some are silver and the others gold.” From the song Girl Scouts sing.

  3. Cindy Mensies says:

    Sorry for the loss of your friend. Great photos!

  4. Joanne says:

    Great blog Contessa and a lovely tribute to your friend 🙂

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